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"JAKE-HYUNG!!" Ni-ki dropped his suitcase on Sunghoon's toes and ran to throw his arms around the Aussie.

"OW!! NI-KI!!" Sunghoon hissed as Jake laughed and welcomed the maknae.

"Hey, I'm here too" Heeseung frowned at the fact that the youngest had completely ignored him.

"Oh.. hi, hyung" Ni-ki said with fake disinterest before bursting into laugher as he dodged a light punch from the oldest.

"Jake-hyung!! It's so good to see you again!!" Sunoo smiled widely as he went in for a hug. "Oh, I brought you some jeon!!" he added, remembering his promise as he pulled away to reveal a small platter of the pancakes.

Jake smiled as he took the platter. "Hi Sunoo!! These look amazing!" he said, to which the latter giggled proudly.

"Again, I'm right here" Heeseung said with a slight pout, so Jay and Sunghoon laughed and quickly came over to pull the oldest into a bro-hug.

"Yoi hyung!! How was Chuseok?" Jake heard Jungwon call as he entered the dorm last, carrying what looked like more than just his own stuff. Typical leader things.

"Yoi Jungwon!! It was great! How was yours?" the Aussie laughed, helping the leader with his baggage.

"Mine was great too. Maeum's gotten so big since I last saw him!" Jungwon said, grinning from ear to ear.

Then, he looked at the Aussie with curious eyes. "What did you and Heeseung-hyung do? It must've been kind of boring with just the two of you."

Jake could've mentioned the movie, playing video games, shopping, karaoke, or eating, but instead his mind immediately went back to the kiss he had shared with Heeseung in the kitchen, replaying those passionate scenes in his head.

He felt the heat rush to his cheeks. "We uh.. you know, just.. stuff" he said, desperately praying that his blush wasn't visible.

Jungwon blinked and gave a confused smile at the vague answer, but didn't question it further.

They all talked, laughed, hugged, and shared stories from their short break before finally unpacking their things, settling back in the dorm to return to their usual lifestyle.

With all the members back, Enhypen got right back into the flow of things and readjusted to their regular schedules, which, of course, were busy as ever.

They spent the next month filming various contents for their YouTube channel, attending different vocal sessions and dance workshops, periodically going live on different social media platforms, and modeling as ambassadors for the brands they endorsed.

Then, they were notified by the agency of the upcoming year-end awards shows they had been invited to, and immediately began preparing to deliver their best, most special performances for everyone to see.

Timeskip: November 1, D-28 until first award show

Enhypen gathered in one of the agency's large dance practice rooms, meeting with a team of choreographers, performance leaders, and other officials who would be helping them prepare their special stages for the awards shows.

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now