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Jake sped past Ni-ki and zipped out the door, bumping into Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Jungwon clumsily as they looked at the older in confusion.

"What's up with him?" Sunghoon said, still staring at the door. Ni-ki looked at Sunoo, both of them shrugging.

"Have you guys seen Jaeyun?" Heeseung said, entering the living room with a sense of urgency in his eyes.

"Yeah, he just ran out the door. What happened? It looked like he was holding manager-hyung's keys" Jungwon said, worriedly pointing in the direction that Jake had whirled through.

Sh!t. Jaeyun took manager-hyung's car.

Heeseung raked a hand through his pinkish-reddish hair, looking conflicted for a moment.

"You guys stay here, I'll find him" he said, looking around at the younger members before rushing out the door.

They all stood still, looking at each other in confusion. Jay entered the room calmly, and all eyes turned to him.

"They'll be fine." Jay said simply as the younger members stared at him looking for answers.


"HEY! WATCH IT! YOU ALMOST HIT MY-" Jake ran a red light with a blank expression on his face.

He didn't care to listen to the grumpy man he had just passed. Nor did he care that he had just broken a traffic law. Quite frankly, Jake didn't care about anything in the world at this moment. All he wanted to do was get away.

After about 15 minutes of driving, Jake finally slowed to a halt. He parked their manager's car and walked out towards the riverbank, closing his eyes as the wind blew through his dirty-blonde hair.

Whenever Jake felt overwhelmed, he would go to the Han River. The river was always so beautiful and tranquil at night, and it always helped to clear Jake's head of all the thoughts and worries he was experiencing in the moment.

He let himself fall backwards into the soft, dewy grass, spreading his arms and legs out like a starfish.

It's over. Our bond is over. Heeseung-hyung probably thinks I'm disgusting. He probably doesn't wanna see me again. He probably doesn't even want me around anymore.

Jake covered his closed eyes with his right arm. All he could do now was pray Heeseung and the others didn't bring it up to the agency. He had poured out so much sweat and tears to become a part of Enhypen, and now he was just one scandal away from being kicked out. Jake wanted to cry, but he was too exhausted from their performance earlier and the mix of emotions that were swirling in his head.

Suddenly, he heard a rustle in the grass beside him. He bolted upright in alarm, thinking it was something or someone dangerous, but when he looked up, he saw a pinkish-reddish tint of hair in the moonlight.

"You are such a handful, you know that?" Heeseung said, panting and furrowing his eyebrows as he sat down and crossed his legs next to Jake with a humph. It looked as though the older had run all the way here.

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now