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Something's wrong with me. Something is definitely wrong with me.

Timeskip: 10:36pm

As soon as Jake ran out of the practice room and exited the agency building, he whipped out his phone to dial a number, hands and fingers shaking.

After a couple seconds of ringing and anxiety, someone finally answered. "Hello?" the voice in Jake's phone said.

"H-hello? Manager-hyung, I-I need to go home.. I'm not feeling well, p-please take me home.."

Timeskip: 11:09pm

Upon arriving at the dorm, Jake immediately burst through the front door and made a beeline towards the bathroom.

He turned on the sink and splashed ice cold water in his face several times, each time a bit more aggressive than the last. After about 30 seconds, he paused and put his hands on the ledge, breathing heavily and looking up at himself in the mirror.

His face and hair were dripping wet, and his eyes were wide in a mix of emotions he couldn't identify. Despite the ice cold water, his cheeks still burned and flushed red, and he still felt all hot and tingly on the inside. His entire body was trembling, and his heart refused to calm down. He couldn't escape the 'fever'.

Weakly, he grabbed a towel and wiped his face before putting both hands back on the ledge, hanging his dizzy head down in defeat.

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?

He stood like that for a couple of moments and closed his eyes, trying to shut off all of his senses. However, in doing so, he completely missed the small click of the front door unlocking, and the quiet sound of footsteps that followed.


Jake snapped his head up in the direction of the familiar voice.

Heeseung made eye contact and stood at the doorway of the bathroom for a moment, his face both concerned and confused.

Then, he slowly began to make his way over to the younger, and Jake immediately began to panic.

"Are you okay?" the older asked, taking a couple steps forward.

Nervously, Jake took a couple steps backward. "H-hyung, what are you doing here?"

Heeseung frowned. "You suddenly just ran out of the practice room, so of course I got worried. I called manager-hyung and he said you went back to the dorm because you weren't feeling well, is everything alright?" he asked again, still approaching the younger slowly.

Jake continued to back away slowly. "N-no.. y-you shouldn't come near me, hyung," he said shakily, eyes wide as they darted back and forth between the older's gaze.

Heeseung furrowed his eyebrows. "Why not? Are you sick?" he questioned, not listening to the younger and coming even closer still, reaching a hand out towards the younger's forehead.

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now