I continue preparing drinks at the bar in silence.

But my heart beats faster knowing that Macau is close to me.

I feel eyes staring at me.

Suddenly, the lights in the hall go out, and a stripper show begins on the dance floor.

I realize that someone has jumped onto the counter.

I can't see who it is... ...this person seems to be down.

"I ask you to leave the counter, please, this side is only allowed to the staff."

I feel hands going over my bare back and abdomen.

"Hey! I said out!"

"Calm down, bartender...no need to get mad. I just want to feel your chest... I'm Yai...a VIP customer here. Hey...accompany me to the second floor...

"No sir...I'm working. I just prepare drinks, nothing more. I can ask for an urisen for you."

"But I want you..."


Vegas' POV

When I enter the private room again, Tang Yi and Andy are talking with Kamol.

Behind them there are four decent-looking young men dressed in silk robes.

Kamol gives me an uneasy look.

I know well that under the silk there are leather ribbons and red ropes at most.

I'm glad of my decision to leave Macau at the bar.

"It's a pleasure to have you at De Light again, Vegas."

"How are you doing, Tang Yi?"

We greeted each other without too many formalities.

When I was in Taipei with Kamol a few years earlier, we came to De Light often.

For business, for fun...for pleasure.

"This is my cousin Tankhun...and his personal bodyguard, Pol."

Tankhun nods in boredom. Pol bows respectfully.

"The first son, I see..." Tang Yi smirks. Should I call for more? He points to the boys."

"This place is too crowded... I hate crowded places, Vegas. Send them away."

Tankhun says imperiously, exactly as we agreed.

I anticipated that, like in the old days, Tang Yi would bring boys to entertain us.

but I'm not the same Vegas as before.

I don't want to be old Vegas again.

For me and for Pete.

"I appreciate Tang Yi's kindness, but my cousin doesn't like this kind of entertainment. Maybe another time."

"Sure..." Tang Yi glances at Andy.

Andy waves the boys out of the room. Andy stays to pour us red wine. Andy is Tang Yi's partner at the night club and a personal friend of his.

No other staff are allowed in the room.

"I heard you arrived in Taipei yesterday, Vegas"

"Yes...we arrived yesterday..."

"Did you come with Yu Ming...?


"I heard he got back from Bangkok yesterday too...I thought maybe you all came together, since you two are ...close."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now