~ Episode 1 ~

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Shuhua: "Y/N, are you sure about taking up the night shift? Why not consider the afternoon shift so, we can be together? It would be fun!!" Y/N's best friend, Shuhua asked while she stood beside Y/N, holding tightly onto both of her bag's shoulder straps like a toddler who was excited to leave the school.

Y/N: "Nah, I don't like afternoon shifts. To be honest, the night shift is more comfortable. You know...less people means more peace for me." Y/N replied while she zipped her bag.


Shuhua knew too well that Y/N had been through so many things and had a suicidal mindset. She could do anything at any point in time and no one would know. Like for example, how Y/N was so close to jumping off the school's rooftop but, Shuhua managed to pull her back just in time.

Y/N: "It's going to be just fine, trust me." Y/N bluntly reassured her which, however, only made Shuhua worry even more.

'What if she attempts to do that again... No one would be able to stop her by then. No, I have to make sure she follows me for as long as possible.' Shuhua thought as she bit her inner lip nervously and held onto Y/N's wrist before Y/N could turn away.

Shuhua: "Y/N, can you follow me during my afternoon shift? It would be great if I could teach you some tips beforehand!" Shuhua quickly faked out a reason.

Shuhua: "Please? Pretty please?" She pleaded.

Y/N looked at Shuhua's desperate face. She knew no matter what she was going to respond with, Shuhua would still try to fake out something and urge Y/N to stay with her for almost the whole time hence, she just nodded her head reluctantly.

'Okay, phew! She is safe with me for now.' Shuhua heaved a sigh of relief. And the both of them left the school to walk to their part-time job workplace -- Starbucks.

 And the both of them left the school to walk to their part-time job workplace -- Starbucks

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Shuhua: "So basically, you have to pour..." Shuhua gave a step-by-step explanation and Y/N just followed along.

Shuhua: "TAADA! You have made your very first caramel Frappuccino!!! Taste it!" Shuhua exclaimed in joy.

That small moment of suspense when Y/N placed her lips on the straw...

Y/N: "Mmmhmm!!! It tastes pretty good!" Y/N tried to sound as optimistic as possible to Shuhua.

It was too obvious to Shuhua that Y/N wasn't feeling it. After all, Y/N and her have been the best of friends for fifteen years. Of course, Shuhua would know when she was lying or telling the truth just by listening to Y/N's tone or reading her facial expressions.

Shuhua: "GREAT RIGHT?!! I knew it since it was your most favorite drink here! That's why I taught you this." Shuhua responded happily when she saw Y/N making an effort to lighten up the mood.

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