~ Episode 15 ~

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Y/N then woke up since she heard birds chirping which was seldom for her since she always slept with her windows shut.

To her surprise, she found herself lying her head on Taehyung's shoulder for the entire night.

Y/N: "Shit...his neck must have hurt a lot." Y/N muttered while she stared at him and unknowingly started to admire his features again.

Taehyung: "Nah, my neck doesn't hurt at all." Taehyung replied while Y/N got stunned and looked away.

Y/N: "Gosh, it's becoming a habit."

Taehyung" "What's becoming a habit?" Taehyung asked, but Y/N just shook her head. 

Y/N: "Nothing." The was a couple minutes of awkward silence before Y/N spoke again.

Y/N: "Umm...you should get back soon. Chaeyoung must be waiting for you to get back." Y/N stammered as she got up from the bench.

Taehyung: "Chaeyoung? You know her?"


Y/N: "Oh, the whole school knows about it! The both of you are really famous!" Y/N swiftly lied.

Taehyung: "Famous? For what?" Taehyung asked as he got up too.

Y/N: "Oh, for like being together because both of you are like popular in school. You know...vampire prince and pretty vampire girl?" Y/N laughed it off even when she felt hurt inside.

As soon as Taehyung sensed her change in mood, he unexpectedly held onto her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.

Taehyung: "If i do make you feel bad because of your previous relationship and if you really need someone to lean on, please find me. I will always be there for you." Taehyung said.

To be honest, he, himself, was confused as to why he suddenly said that. He felt like he needed to.

Taehyung: "If you really need, I can even act as your ideal imaginary boyfriend! As long as you don't go over the line!" Taehyung added on while he held up both of their interlocked hands, shaking them in the air.

Whatever he just said and did make Y/N shocked, flabbergasted, stunned...it had been so long since she felt his hand interlocked with hers. The touch still felt the same.

The feeling of joy, happiness, contentment made Y/N start to tear up.

She was just so...happy.

Taehyung: "Y/N, you alright? Don't cry..." Taehyung's voice soften and wiped away the tears on her face.

Y/N: "Oh, I'm alright. It just felt like déjà vù just now!" Y/N awkwardly laughed.

Taehyung: "I'm so sorry..." Taehyung pouted.

Taehyung: "I didn't mean to remind you of your precious relationship-"

Y/N: "It's alright." Y/N cut off his sentence as she tried to hold in her tears that were welling up in her eyes again.

Taehyung: "Y/N, I'm not sure if it's just me, but you look really cute in every way. Like with that smile of yours, it brightens up my whole day. Your doe-like eyes, nose, lips...are all cute. Even when you cry, you are still cute." Taehyung suddenly confessed and made blood rushed up to Y/N's cheeks in seconds.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Taehyung: "Did anyone tell you before?" Taehyung asked as if he didn't just compliment a girl who he just met like two days ago.

Y/N: "N-no..." Y/N stammered while her heart started to thump even faster.

Taehyung: "That's odd. But-" Taehyung paused when he felt the urge to cough.

[Kim Taehyung] ~The Vampire Prince~ ||Fanfiction|| ✅️Where stories live. Discover now