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*St. Louis, Missouri*

"Oh, my God. Sam," his friend, Rebecca, says when she opens the door to see us.

"Well, if it isn't Little Becky," Sam jokes.

"You know what you can do with that "Little Becky" crap." He chuckles, hugging her. "I got your email."

"I didn't think that you would come here," she admits.

"Dean-- older brother," Dean pops in.

"And this is Callie," Sam adds, stepping aside.

"So you're the Callie that Sam always mentions when he talks to me?"

"He talks about me?"

"All the time," she nods. "It's good to finally put a face to a name."

"Well, it's good to meet you too. We're here to help. Whatever we can do."

"Come in." We walk inside, and Dean speaks.

"Nice place."

"It's my parents'. I was crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zach's free," Becky says.

"Where are your folks," Sam asks.

"They live in Paris for half the year, so they're on their way home now for the trial," she answers as we walk into the kitchen. "Do you any of you want a beer or something?"

"Hey," Dean smiles.

"No, thanks," Sam answers. "So... tell us what happened."

"Well, um, Zach had came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing. And so he... he called 911. And the police, they showed up, and... they arrested him. But the thing is, the only way that Zach could have killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police, they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zach coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight," she explains.

Huh, that does sound like up our alley.

"You know, maybe we could see the crime scene-- Zach's house."

"We could," Dean questions.

"Why? What could you do?"

"Well, me, not much. But these two are cops," Sam lies, looking at us. Dean and I exchange glances, chuckling nervously.

"Detectives, actually," Dean corrects.

"Really? Where?"

"Bisbee, Arizona. But we're off duty now."

"I don't know. You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just... I don't know."

"Beck, look. I know Zach didn't do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent," Sam says. She glances between us, nodding.

"Okay. I'm gonna go get the keys." She walks off, and I sigh.

"Oh, yeah, man. You're a real straight shooter with your friends," Dean says.

"Look, Zach and Becky need our help."

"I just don't think this is our kind of problem."

"Two places at once? We've looked into less," I point out.

"You're on his side," Dean says, offended.

"Uh, yeah, I am," I nod. "I owe him," I add.

"For what," Sam asks confused. I raise a brow, and he nods. "Oh, yeah."

"Did I miss something," Dean says.

"Kind of," I admit.

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