It's Hurting

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Jimin POV
We are on the radio show and we have been getting lots of random questions on personality, looks, preferences, and favorites. Jungkook always keep me 7th looking and it hurts. I won't lie it messes up my mind, and I get scared to eat. Nowadays, I can see I am losing weight a lot. I am eating only one meal a day and Jungkook loves challenges he started doing it too so I need to make sure he eats as doing so much practice and sleeping empty stomach will make him sick.

I have a close dear friend who is also an employee for bighit. She is responsible for small jobs around. However, she takes care of me a lot. Miso is the reason I am dieting but in a healthy way. Sometime after jungkook stopped doing dieting and everything went back normal.

It is 2015 and we are working on some really great songs and our next album. I have a feeling these songs will be stuck for a long time.

The company announced that we are changing dorms once again but we this time we will get roommates. As it was a random rock, paper game we get our roommates. I get it with hobi hyung and V. Jungkook was with Rap mon hyung, and Jin hyungie with suga hyung.

I am looking forward how we will live together now as roommates.

Jungkook POV
Huh! Rap mon hyung snores loudly and I am not able to sleep. So I decided to go to V hyung to sleep. In V hyung room hobi hyungie has a separate single bed and V and jiminie hyung have a double bed to share. I saw jiminie hyung was not there so, I slept with V hyung.

The next day Rap mon hyungie told me that jiminie slept outside on a table because I slept on his bed. I was feeling really furious now. What is his problem? Its a double bed he could've slide me and slept on the bed but no he slept outside to make me feel bad. Its not like we never slept together for god's sake me and him used to cuddle to sleep. Why is he behaving like that now? Isn't it enough that I don't get a deep sleep for so long? Whole night I take twist and turns like I am missing something and it makes my morning so hard to wake up.

I don't know whats wrong with him?

I went to him to asked why is he like that?

Jimin POV
Jungkookie came to me while I was having breakfast. I had a big smile on my face when I saw him approach me like that its been days since only two of us talk. Sure we play goofy on camera but in real life jungkook is an introvert and he prefers to talk less.
But as soon as he was infront of me he said
"Why are you pretending to suffer hyung?"

"What? What did I do?"

"You didn't sleep on bed because of what that I was there? Oh comon hyung don't pretend like that when everyone here knows you loves to sleep with me and you are needy for me so, why did you sleep outside?"

"Jungkook first I am not needy for you. Sure I adores you and I am sorry for that. Second, you sleep diagonally jungkook-ah. I didn't want to disturb you. Thats why I slept outside. I am sorry."


He left

I felt like crying. Why does he think I will pretend to suffer when I am suffering in real?
Jungkook I don't know if you will ever see my sincere heart but I long for you, my love.

Author POV
Bangtan is busy with next album and it is middle of the year. And all the members were busy with the comeback and some of the members participated in songs. There were some arguments but never serious one. All this time jiminie made sure his members are felling good. As usual he treated jungkook really well and jungkook was annoyed by the feelings he was experiencing for V. During this time V and jiminie being bed mates were growing close which was creating a hell of a mess in jungkook's head.

On jungkook's bday jiminie gifted him an expensive watch which jungkook had an eye on. But this made everything worse.

To be contd.

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