0 Days

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Today was the day he dreaded, he'd have to spend hours at Fredbear's family diner. Of course, his brother Michael would have to come with, and he invited his "friends", just to torment him. He got into his dad's car, and buckled himself, though he opted to leave Fredbear behind.

"Michael, don't torture your brother today, alright? It's his special day after all" William called back from behind the wheel.

"Sure dad." Michael responded, smirking at Evan while doing so. Michael had insisted on bringing a backpack for some reason, and his dad hadn't cared. They parked in the "employees only" spot, and let his kids out. Michael went for his friends, While Evan held his dad's hand, and went to the birthday table near the parts and service room. He sat down, and watched the performance. His dad rubbed Evan's head, ruffling his hair.
"I have some company stuff to deal with, sit tight." William said, before going into the back room to help an employee. Evan sat, picking at his pizza, trying to stay awake. He was roughly shoved out of his chair, and onto the floor.

"Hah, your brother is kinda a baby Michael." one of the 4 older boys said, looking down at Evan.
"He kinda is." Michael responded, his voice partially muffled from his Foxy mask.

"So, Michael, what was your plan again? This is a place for kids, anyway."

"I think little bro wants to go see Fredbear," Michael said, before grabbing Evan's shoulders.

"H-hey, let me go-" Evan said, struggling to get free.

"I think he wants to give Fredbear a closer look, right boys?" Michael said as he picked up Evan.
"I don't w-want to!" Evan screamed, struggling. The 4 boys carried Him to the main stage, getting closer to the main animatronic, Fredbear.
"I think..." Michael said, hoisting Evan up, as Evan struggled "He wants to give Fredbear a kiss!"

Evan's head was placed in Fredbear's jaw, the 4 boys laughing. Evan tried to keep the jaw from closing all the way. He could feel Fredbear's teeth closing down, cutting into his neck. His tears flowed freely, until he heard a snap. A split second before the jaw clamped down completely, he registered that he tripped the springlocks, and he wouldn't survive long enough to regret it.
Michael stopped laughing, and took off the mask, his face pure horror. The restaurant went completely silent, until someone screamed. Fredbear's jaw was locked in place, a small stream of crimson blood running between two of the teeth, and Evan hung limply inside. This was my fault, Michael thought. William ran out, before sliding to a stop. He looked in horror at his creation, and the body of his son. A single tear slid down his face, and he called for a wrench. Michael stood there, in horror. He was a murderer. This was all a silly prank gone horribly wrong. He threw his foxy mask on the floor, and stomped on the snout, shatting it. He ran out of the restaurant, and back home. William pried Evan out of fredbear's mouth, and held him, feeling for a pulse. He held his hand on his wrist, before he felt a dull throb. All hope was not lost. He yelled at someone to call the hospital, and go grab the first aid kit. He wasn't losing another child to his mistakes, not this time.

"Tomorrow is another day," William muttered to himself. 

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