1 Day

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Evan would wake up at around 12 PM, wiping his eyes from exhaustion. Waking up at around this time was futile. The shine of the windows from the hallways would always peek into his room one way or another, even if his door was shut.

He didn't know why, but he felt compelled. But he found himself drawn to Fredbear's, as if it was the only place left to give him comfort. But he was still scared every time he went.

Alas, with his Fredbear plush in hand, he found himself going back to Fredbear's, walking across the street as all the neighborhood kids laughed at him. It wasn't fair, he told himself. Why did everyone choose him to be picked on specifically? It was bad enough he was faced with his brother, and tormented by these nightmarish demons, but even the neighborhood kids had to pick on him too? Evan couldn't help but feel a little bitterness toward them.

He was so tired of being picked on by everything in existence. He was only nine, about to be ten, years old, what did he ever do to deserve the fate he was given?

Upon entering Fredbear's, he couldn't help but look at the two massive golden animatronics in the corner of his eye, Fredbear, of course, and Spring Bonnie. Evan, no matter what, would always feel drawn to the robots. Fredbear, after all, was the only one who liked him. Evan found himself tearing up at the old epiphany, but quickly brushed his sadness off. He was gonna be ten tomorrow, that was something to look forward to, surely.

Evan would quickly grab a slice of pizza from the employee. After thanking him, he'd sit at the table, closest to Fredbear and Spring Bonnie. He felt protected, but still horrified... not the best combo.

Evan would continue thinking bitterly about how unfairly he was treated, even eating his pizza didn't make him feel better like it usually did. He was exhausted. He hadn't slept for four nights at this point, and when he did, it was only usually for a short period of time. Evan felt colder than he ever did before. It hurt, like he was forever meant to be picked on and forgotten by the masses. For an instant, it felt as if he didn't matter to anybody, and the pain he felt because of it was even worse than being bullied by him.

He wondered what would happen if he just disappeared. If he did, would it be better for everybody? It made him feel sad to think about, but he tried to brush it off as he watched Fredbear and Spring Bonnie perform, an endless stream of tears still escaping his face per usual. His eyes hurt from all the crying, he had done it for so long now, but it felt like crying was his only release.

Evan's train of thought was interrupted almost instantly by something grabbing his Fredbear plushie out of his hands.

"HEY!" Evan immediately jumped back, looking up to see who had taken his precious object.

It was him.

"G-Give him back, Michael!!" Evan yelled, tears started to pour down his face again.

Michael stared down, chuckling, "And what're you gonna do about it?"

"I... I..!" Evan didn't know what he could do. Tears streamed down his face as he stared up at Michael, he felt trapped, even by his own family.

"I knew it, you're only all talk and no bite." Michael chuckled, holding the bear up in the air as Evan desperately tried to grab it. It was no use, however, Michael towered over Evan.

"GIVE HIM BACK!!!" Evan finally screamed, crumbling into sobs as tears streamed down his face and onto the floor. Evan took shaking, hefty breaths as tears rolled down his face like never before.

Michael, however, would have different plans, he would pick up Evan by the scruff of his shirt. Evan instantly started to panic, begging in horror as he squirmed. However, Michael would move him somewhere that horrified him, and Michael knew it.

Michael would shove him into the backroom, the room filled to the brim with parts of metal and the suits of the endoskeletons.

"Ugh!" Evan yelped as he was shoved in. Then he heard the door shut and lock.

Evan would quickly run over to the door, and start banging on it. "M-Michael!!"

He heard Michael's laughter respond from the other side of the door. He was clearly enjoying this sadistic game.

"Please let me out...." Evan cried as he held the doorknob.

Only laughter...

"PLEASE!!!" Evan screamed louder, tears streaming down his face once again.

Evan kept trying to bang on the door with his whole might, until he finally crumbled into a fetal position next to the door as he now cried softly.

"Please let me out...."

No response. No laughter. No comfort. No Michael, and no Fredbear. All that was heard throughout the room was the sound of Evan's cries.

Five Nights at Freddy's: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now