Night 2

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Evan once again was awakened, in his bed, at 12:00 AM. "What the...?" Evan asked himself. This had been the second time after all.

Evan would immediately spring up from his bed, and once again equip his flashlight. He would run to the Left Hall.... Nothing..... He would run to the Right Hall.... Nothing. This continued for an hour. Until finally, his fears were confirmed. 1:32 AM. He would turn on his flashlight, to see the big bulky blue bunny peeking at him from the end of the hall, only to retreat back into the darkness.

Evan would jump back immediately in horror. It couldn't have been true, it couldn't have been. He didn't know what would happen if they got to him, but he wasn't planning to find out.

2:35 AM.

It was the same as the first time he'd seen them, he'd have to shut the door as soon as he heard breathing through the pitch black hallway. Both the bunny and the chicken had gotten more aggressive, as well as the small brown bears (that he had now deducted looked like Freddy Fazbear) that had appeared on his bed. He had run to the Right Hall, and was about to shine it when....

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap


He had heard running.

It had gotten closer.

Finally, Evan, in pure fear, shined his light, more out of gut instinct....

He wished he hadn't.

In front of him, was a towering crimson fox. It was ripped apart, its maw filled with piles of fangs and bloody gums along with its teeth. It had a spiked, ripped tail. It had ripped holes through its chest and it was clearly bulky, it almost reached the roof of the hallway. Evan then saw it, and his eyes widened, a massive, serrated hook extended its right hand.

Although stunned for a second, the fox didn't seem to take the fact it'd been exposed lightly. Almost instantaneously, the fox lunged forward, hook in front of him. Evan let out a horrified scream and slammed the door shut. Behind the door, he heard scratches at the door. Evan held as the fox banged on the door, almost demanding itself to be let in.

Tears dared to escape down Evan's face again. This was the worst one he'd seen yet. Finally, the bangs stopped, and Evan finally comforted. It wasn't for long the relief stayed, however, as he heard the bed shriek and stumble. Shining his light, he saw the three Freddles shiver and shake, before disappearing under the bed once again.

Fear crawled through Evan's body like a snake, showing itself through his own nightmares.

Then the bell chimed.

He heard it ring six times.... That's when he noticed the sun rising. What the hell was going on? It seemed the clock flew by while you were busy. Eventually, Evan laid down on his bed, hoping to get to sleep before he had to go to Fredbear's. His dad had proposed a "Get Better Together" event or whatever he had called it between the two brothers. 

Five Nights at Freddy's: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now