Chapter 16

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Jake Sully was dead serious when he asked when they were going to meet Aonung properly. So serious that the next day the two boys were set to have dinner with Neteyam's parents.

Aonung was nervous, like hella nervous. He'd met the boys parents before but not officially as his boyfriend. Now he had to attend a dinner with them?

Neteyam had finally finished helping Aonung get ready to meet 'the parents'. The reef boy insisted that he had to look perfect for the dinner.

The two boys left Aonung's family's hut and started their walk over to the Sully's. As the two walked side by side, Neteyam's hand snaked down to the other boy's. He squeezed his hand as they walked along the path.

"You know that you don't have to be nervous, right? I mean you've met my parents before. they already like you and soon they're going to love you."
"you sure?"
"one hundred percent."

The two boys soon arrived at the sully hut. Neteyam stepped inside first, greeting his parents and warning his dad not to say anything stupid.

Neytiri had prepared a meal for the four of them, with the help of Kiri, earlier that day. Jake had been no help as he had been trying to crack jokes with the two girls, trying to figure out which ones to use at dinner.

But now as Aonung had entered the hut, the two adults went silent.

"Um hello Jake Sully, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite. It's um nice to meet you both. That's officially anyways." Aonung started to ramble a bit as he held his hand out towards Jake, something Neteyam had taught the boy about his father.

However instead of the man accepting the handshake he pulled the young boy into a hug. Aonung was taken aback as the older man rapped his arms around him. Neteyam sighed as he put his head in his hands in embarrassment.

"Dad, do you really have to?"
"Yes if he is going to become a part of this family he may as well know how we work." Neytiri shook her head at her mate as she understood her son's embarrassment.

"Well I think it's time we eat." Neytiri announced as she soon got bored of Jake's antics. The four sat down as Neytiri started to pass around the food.

"So Aonung what was it like to grow up at the reef?" Neytiri started the conversation just in case Jake tried anything funny.


As the day got later it was nearly eclipse and they were almost done with dinner. Neytiri had run out of conversation topics and could no longer stop Jake from speaking freely.

"So boy, what are your intentions with my son?"
"What? It was just a question."
"Well, I like your son a lot and he's amazing and so selfless and sweet and he's also just so caring and-"
"Aon, your rambling again."
"Right, sorry. All I'm trying to say is I care about your son and I have no ill intentions whatsoever."

The hut was silent for a bit before Jake couldn't help but snicker at the boy. "Welcome to the family Aonung."


Sorry for not updating these past couple of days, there's been a bit happening in my personal life and I just needed a little break. But I should be back to my regular posts now.

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