Chapter 7

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The next day the two boys met at sunset like usual. However Aonung seemed to be a bit more jittery than normal, more cautious too. He felt guilty more than anything.

"You okay there Aon?"
"Yeah, just guess I'm not feeling it today."
"How about we do something to get your mind if things?"
"Like what?"
"Oh you'll see."

Neteyam pulled him from the the floor before clasping their hands together and beginning to run. He dragged him up through the whole wooded area of the forest before reaching the small mountainous hills. There stood the Sully families' ikran.

The boys continued to walk hand in hand towards Neteyam's ikran.
"This is Nìnrra, my ikran. Do not try to undermine her or she'll probably won't let you ride."
"Ride? You want me to fly on an ikran?"
"Yea, I mean it's not like I'll leave you to it I'll be on her with you."
"Is it even safe for two people to ride at once?"
"Sure it is." Neteyam jumped onto Nìnrra's saddle and held a hand out to Aonung, "now c'mon."

Aonung grabbed his hand to heave himself onto the ikran's back. Neteyam connected his hair with his Ikran before slipping his hands around Aonung's waist to grab hold of his ikran. The ikran's wings began to flap before it took of completely.

Aonung kept holding on tight for a while and refused to look down to see how high they were. But after a while he no longer held on as tight. He seemed to become comfortable on the animal after a bit. Looking back to Neteyam he smiled brightly then pecking the boy on the lips before turning round to stretch his arms in the air and shouting in excitement.


Neteyam landed Nìnrra on the Three brothers rocks. He hopped of before offering his hand to help aonung down.

The two walked hand in hand on the island as they had a whole new level of privacy there.

It was almost eclipse as the boys sat in their own little world on the island. They sat, leaning against Nìnrra, in silence before it was broken by Aonung, " I'm sorry." His words were full of guilt.

Neteyam was kind of taken aback, he didn't expect the words from the other boy. "What have got to be sorry for reef boy?"
"I let Kiri find out about us, I told you that no one had to know yet I let your sister figure it out." Tears began to pool into the boy's eyes as he spoke. "It's not your fault, she was waiting up on her own accord. You had no control over her seeing you bringing me in," The boy spoke softly to him. "And besides I would rather Kiri knew than you left me to drown when the tide came in, okay?" Aonung nodded to him.

Neteyam caressed the boy's cheeks, wiping away his tears with his thumbs.

"You feeling better now?"
"Yes, thanks Tey."
"Only for you my Aon."


Look look I let them have nicknames for each other.

Nobody needs to know     (Neteyam x aonung)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon