Part 34: A circle of magic

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"On the eighteenth, some time after noon. Scorpius said that he would come and get me before noon," Lily told them.

"When would you be back?"

"A few weeks. Scorpius said sometime in early July." Both parents still seemed unsure, so Lily pulled the big card. "Please? I need something to do besides sitting in my room for weeks."

"Is it just his family that's going?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. They said that he could bring a friend to keep him from being bored," Lily explained. "Can I go? Please? I really want to."

Both of her parents still looked hesitant, but Harry finally rubbed at the back of his neck. "Well, . . . I guess if they're already expecting you . . ."

Lily sat up straighter, her hopes rising. "So, I can go?"

Ginny nodded. "It's ok with us."

Lily squealed, jumping from her seat. "Thank you so much!" She kissed her father's cheek and hurried back up to her room. She grabbed a smaller trunk and began to pack her things. She did clothes first, choosing clothes for warm weather, and since they would be near a beach, she packed a bathing suit that she'd gotten from her aunt Fleur on her last birthday. She took her box of potions that Slughorn had given her, plus a few things from her uncle George's shop.

A knock sounded on her door, but Lily kept packing. "Come in," she called. The door slammed open with a bang, making Lily jump. She spun around to see James standing in the doorway, his face showing his fury. Lily glared at him. "What do you want?" she sneered.

James held something up. Paper. Lily recognized it instantly as the Marauder's Map. "I lost this for months at school! Someone stole it, and then it magically appears in my room? I know I had it at school with me!" he hissed. "You stole my map!" He stepped into the room, kicking it closed.

Lily held her ground. "How could I do that? Maybe it was Albus or one of your other idiot lackeys that constantly come over here?"

"I'm not an idiot!" he growled.

"Could have fooled me," Lily said dryly. "Now if all you came in here for was to accuse me, then get out."

"You trashed the Gryffindor dorm rooms!" James snarled.

"Prove it!" Lily countered. "You can't. Nobody could. Not even the teachers could figure out who it was. So get out before I make you."

James scoffed as he stepped closer. "You're going to make me? Try it." James was bigger than her, thanks to his age. He was taller than her, and thanks to Quidditch, he had strong and broad shoulders. But none of this scared Lily.

Lily kicked her foot at James's knee, making his weight stagger from the hit. Then she pulled her fist back, and since she was at the right level now, she punched him in the cheek. James fell back, holding his cheek and his knee.

"You little bitch!" he spit out.

"Get out!" Lily demanded angrily. She stomped to her door, and held it open.

James got up, a little shaky on one leg, and he glared at her again. He moved to the door, but he leaned closer to her, glaring at her. "You're going to regret ever messing with me."

"I wouldn't be the first girl," Lily snarled.

James's face turned red with anger, but he grit his teeth and stormed out of the room. Lily slammed her door shut behind him, and angrily began to pack again.


Lily sat in her grandpa's shed, handing him tools as they worked on the bike.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat