Part 29: Too much drama for one break

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"Lily!" he exclaimed. When she was close enough, he wrapped her into a hug, lifting her off the ground.

"Nice to see you too, Teddy," Lily said with a laugh.

Teddy put her back on the ground. Then he apparently got a good look at her face. "Wow! Look at that bruise!"

Lily looked at him in surprise. She'd forgotten all about it. "Oh! Yeah, I took a hit during the last Quidditch game. Nothing big."

Then her mother pulled her into a quick hug. "Are you sure you're ok, honey? It looks like it might hurt."

But Lily just smiled. "Really, it's fine. The only reason I haven't gone to Madam Pomfrey is because it doesn't hurt."

But Ginny didn't look completely assured. "If you're sure," she murmured.

Lily then hugged her dad. "Hi, Daddy," she whispered.

"Hey, princess. You listened to what I said in that letter?" Harry whispered.

Lily felt her stomach churn. She wanted to argue. To say that none of it was her fault. But instead she gulped back every angry word she had and choked out her reply. "Yeah."

Then the families were walking out off the platform, talking of how they would all see each other at the Burrow on Christmas Eve. Then Lily followed her parents to the Apparition point.

"You didn't take the car?" James asked.

"Your father and I were having lunch before we came to get you," Ginny told them, running a hand over James's hair.

"So, we'll be apparating you kids home," Harry said with a smile. "So, grab on." He held out his arm, which Albus grabbed. As he held out his other, Lily moved and took her mother's arm and avoided her father's eyes. James was the one to take their father's other arm. Without a word, Lily felt herself being sucked through the air. She landed on the carpeted floor of the living room, and stumbled forward, her hand letting go of her mother. Ginny grabbed Lily's shoulder, keeping her on her feet.

"Thanks, Mum," Lily said with a sigh.

"No problem, honey," Ginny told her. Lily pulled her shoulder away from her mother's grasp, and began to head for the stairs, pulling her bag with her. She made it upstairs quickly, and dropped her bag onto the floor of her room. She kicked the door shut and locked it. Then she began to take things out of her bag, putting things back where they should be. Then she dropped onto her bed, unsure of what to do. It was getting dark outside, so she was sure that dinner would be ready soon . . . but part of her really didn't want to go outside of her room. She didn't want deal with the glares from Albus, stern looks from her dad, and she didn't want to have to look at the pink scar on James's head that was taking forever to disappear. A knock soon sounded on her door.

"I'll come to dinner in a minute," Lily called out.

She heard the lock click, and the door opened. She turned around to see Teddy poke his head in. "I'm not here to discuss dinner. May I still come in?"

Lily grinned. She rolled onto her stomach, laying her face onto her pillow. "Lock the door once you're in."

She heard the door close and the lock sound. Then she felt weight on the edge of her bed. "Is locking doors a new habit of yours?"

Lily sat up on her bed and looked at her favorite brother. He'd reverted away from his usual look to his original look. His mousy brown hair fell into his eyes, which were a light grey. And his smile was warm as he looked at her. "Just a hobby," Lily joked.

Teddy sighed as he fell onto his back. Lily fell back onto her stomach. "What I came to talk about is your letter. Why do you ask if your father has mentioned anything?"

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin