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"Hey, guys?" Odysseus quietly called out from behind a bookshelf, peeking his head out.

"Yeah?" Theodore answered for the sake of his friends.

"What do we know about cursed children?"

Everyone paused, turning to the blonde simultaneously. The action startled the Cadieux Heir, even Reagan turned to him in a creepy way.

No one has ever mentioned 'The cursed child' nor their origins. Its was questioning and baffling to some meanwhile to others they're as clueless as their neighbor. Hermione frowned as she stood up from her chair and began skimming some scrolls and books.

"We've only heard of some. Like Abigail Moss, then Archer something, he died before anyone knew anything about him." Draco voiced, grabbing a scroll from the pile they have on the very long table. 

"I found it." Hermione announced, spreading several books on the table. She grabbed a specific one and opened it to a page. "Here, chapter legends, most cursed children are born during wars and post wars. During 1200 B.C.E and 100 B.C.E tens of thousands of children were born. Non-magical folks saw oddities that grew through the years that ended in the wide spread of th With Salem Trial, hence, most children died only leaving broken hearted parents."

"So it's been know but forgotten with the lack of it?" Theodore theorized.

"Somehow," Odysseus mumbled, reading over Hermione's shoulder. "Here," He pointed on the paper. "During the black death, more cursed children approached but since the sickness killed 5 out of 9 children, only a few survive but ended with suppressing their magic, hence obscurus or obscurial's. At this point in time, magical folks fear the magicless. Tragedy seemed to befall on these children hence the name 'Children of Tragedy'. In the end, only a handful information are know from these children.

"The world war 1 and 2 happened, giving a sea of new cursed children. But alas, these children lived up to their name, only ending in death and funerals. Only a dozen lived. Interview of these individuals are scares and rare, but it was said, that these children hear voices, hear voices and see more than a typical magical child. They believe they will needed  a leader to lead their hidden prowess, from turning invisible to understanding different languages without studying the spoken and heard language. Said to be three mighty individuals, but so far, nothing came up in years." Odysseus finished his dialogue looking up from the book meeting his friend's gazes.

"That's...confusing." Neville mumbled. 

"Look, it's like a pattern, listen." Hermione caught their attention again. "Several curse children were born after Voldemort's rose to tyranny. Several are named, "Amara Le Roy, and the mentions of Regulus Black."

 Draco, Reagan and Odysseus perked up at the familiar names. 

"Is it genetical?" Draco asked, resulting in everyone turning their heads to him. "Regulus Black is Cali's uncle and y'know her mother."

"I don't think so..." Neville voiced. "It's pure coincidence."

"It's said these children are born during war or post-war, Lils and Harry are born next to death. Literally. They were in the crossfire." Draco said, recalling the time Narcissa had to break it to his cousin softly. "Luna..."

"I saw my mother die...in front of my eyes." Luna quietly said, not bothering to conceal her visible vulnerability.

"Is there like...a magnitude of how these...children are?" Ron asked, his hands moving as he speaks.

"There are." Blaise mumbled, pulling up the books Hermione dumped. "Here, it said, there are The Cursed Children, Blessed Cursed Children then lastly, Cosmos Tragedy." 

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