don't tell them anything - gaz

Start from the beginning

"You should take your friend's warning to heart, женщина." The leader said. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Now, this will be the only chance you get to do this peacefully. Give us the information we want." The man said. He leaned in and spoke too close for comfort. His teeth were yellow and his breath stank. Gaz felt anger bubble in his stomach, he didn't like the way he was looking at her.

"Back the fuck up." Gaz practically growled.

The man didn't do as he was ordered. Instead, he seemed to get closer. Lucky glared at him before smiling. She spat at him, a big glob of spit running down his face.

"How's that for information." She chuckled.

He slapped her hard across the face and Gaz pulled on his restraints as if he could get out and kill the man where he stood.

He wiped his face and moved back. "Take her."

Guards moved to undo her restraints and take her with them. She struggled against them, but they held her tight. Practically picking her up by the arms and legs she did her best to turn and squirm.

"Lucky!" Gaz shouted trying his best to get out. His chair made thumps and scrapes against the floor. He was panicked, worried almost to death thinking about what might happen to her.

"Gaz! Don't tell them anything! Don't fucking say a word!" She screamed at him as they took her out of the room.

"I'll kill you! Don't fucking touch her!" He yelled at the guards that filed out of the room.

It was a safe assumption that the guards worked on a specific schedule. Gaz took note as best he could, and if his observations were correct, they had been held hostage for about three days. He had barely been touched.

His bruising was already starting to heal and the blood around his cuts was dry and starting to flake. He hadn't been kept tied up to the chair, but that didn't bring much comfort.

He gazed longingly at the metal grate that separated his room from hers. He hadn't seen her, but he could only imagine how bad she looked.

Every few hours he would hear the metal door of her room open and then the beatings would begin. The guards were torturing her, asking her question after question. They were trying to break her through physical beatings.

And they were trying to break him by forcing him to listen to her cries of pain.

He didn't know how she could do it. She never once gave anything up. He would hear her trying to comfort herself, reminding herself not to say anything.

He found himself flinching at each punch and slap that he could hear. He would hold his breath when they would waterboard her. As each session of torture passed, her sarcastic comments would be heard less frequently.

He felt like he was dying, he couldn't imagine how she felt.

The most painful part of it all was when she would scream his name. She would scream and cry and when she begged for him when she sobbed his name, his heart felt like it was shattering. He wanted to stop it. Wanted to help her, but he couldn't. If he said anything, not only would he be putting his team and people at risk, but once they got what they wanted they would no longer have a use for the pair and thus they would be disposed of.

He would yell at her through the grate that he was still there. That he would get to her. He did his best to reassure her that she would be okay. Price had to be on his way, right? They had to be coming soon. Captain would come for them.

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