t w e n t y - o n e

Comenzar desde el principio

you suddenly stumble on your own feet as you keep hearing the same man's voice.

another yell was heard, your feet start to tremble as you could hear a creepy man's replies to the mysterious man, you gather your thoughts and walked to the place where you could hear them.

you move the Ravenna grass away from your sight to see what is going on.

but you stumble once again on the grass, your face colliding with the ground.

and the next thing you see is all black


You immediately opened your eyes and got up on the bed, you widen your eyes as you could feel loads of sweat all over your forehead and body,  your heart was beating extremely fast and your whole body is shaking.

you looked around, you are not in a random place.

you're on your bed.

you sighed in relief, you lean on your bedside table to get the clock to see that it was time for you to stand up and prepare for school.

you stood up from your bed and took a warm bath.

after taking a bath, you chose an oversized jacket with a pair of jeans, you didn't prioritize how you currently look cuz you're in your lazy mode to do so.

you go downstairs to see your mom and sister eating at the dining table, you greeted them a good morning and they did the same thing, you sat on your chair and began to eat.

after eating, you waved goodbye to your mom as you left the front door to go to school.

you and she made a small conversation on how life's going and also got a 5-minute lecture on why you shouldn't be drinking every day even though you seldomly drink when you're in the mood to.

suddenly, you stop responding to her rants to you when you see a familiar guy walking on the pathway ahead of y'all.

Rose: Y/n, i-is there something w-wrong? 

she questions your sudden quietness, you squint your eyes a bit more to see the familiar guy.

his hair is blonde, he's wearing eyeglasses and is currently wearing the same school uniform as what your school has.

and there you get it, it's Jimin.

you: I think I see someone who I know on the pathway ahead of us.

Rose: really? who and where?

Rose interrogates you while looking at the same direction as you, then you respond to her.

Y/n: he's right there!

you point out, she looks at you and nods her head, you asked her if both of you could go into separate ways, she said "okay" in a cold response, you take no notice of that and just ran towards him since he is walking really fast.

"Jimin!" you call out for his name.

the man's head suddenly turns around, confirming that it's really him, he waves at you from a distance with a smile.

you catch up to him and gave him a warm back hug, not minding his backpack blocking the way but you hug him tightly, feeling his warm temperature.

Jimin: you seem happy today

he tilts his head at you with a smile.

Y/n: yeah, because I saw you once again

Jimin: don't we see each other frequently?

Y/n: it's not enough though!

you argue at him.

Jimin: then let's make it even more frequently.

he chuckles at your cute self and both of you started to walk together.


while both of you are riding the bus to your school, you couldn't stop talking to him even a single bit, you keep smiling at laughing with him and not minding the people around you who are giving you those looks.

while you talk about so many stuffs about life, he just rests his face on the palm of his hand while he gazes at you and your smile.

you tell stories while a strand of your hair starts getting on the way, but luckily, he moves it away and tucks it behind your ear.

you suddenly stop your movements and smile at him back, you couldn't understand this feeling.

this feeling of butterflies in your stomach.

or is it just your stomach rumbling because of hunger?

you shrug it off and continue to talk with him and laugh all the way through, his smile makes our smile even wider, making it symmetrical to each other when compared.

but seeing how the bus is on the way to school in a few minutes, you feel a lump on your throat, you stop talking with Jimin and he notices your sudden change of attitude, he furrows his eyebrows at you.

Jimin: what's wrong?

he tucks the strand of your hair away from your face again as he watches you closely.

Y/n: I don't want to go to school yet.

you mumble yet he could hear you.

Jimin: is that a joke or???

he questions, but you give him a blank look to show that you're serious about it.

Y/n: I really don't want to

you move your lips in a nervous way while trying to clutch your own hands and the sleeve of your hoodie, the pain is showing, he notices it right away and holds your hand to stop

Jimin: if that's the case, then, do you wanna escape for a while?

your blank expression turn into a bright one.

Y/n: yeah *nods*

he approves your decision as the bus leaves the school stop, both of you chuckle as this is your first time to skip or should you say not attend the class for dumb reasons

                                                                           it's something that you both wish not to regret

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