candy and harry

31 0 0

Warning: None.

Extra tags: modern au, omegaverse, kids, fluff, parents ereri, domesticity, omega levi, alpha eren, post-mpreg, drabble

Prompt: spooky free day - candy/costumes

Day: 31 [ Oct 31, 2k22 ]

Part 1 of: [⟨«• Rivaereri Pro-Fiction Guild Discord Server's RivaEreRi Microfic and Drabbles Event 2022 •»⟩]


Date: October 31st, 2020

Eren grinned as he settled their boys, Jackson Lindsay and Zachariah Ainsley, dressed as red and black ninjas, on his shoulders. They shouted and giggled as they waited for their mother to fix their sister's pumpkin costume. Levi adjusted the pumpkin top headband on his daughter's head, the top of his own pumpkin costume bouncing on his head as he worked. Eren thought his mate was adorable, but Levi thought he looked plain ridiculous next to the real plain adorable little pumpkin girl he had. He swung her up into his arms when he was done, smirking in triumph as he twirled her around.

"Done! Now we can go get candy!"

"Candy! Candy!" "Ca'dy!" The four year old boys and their two year old toddler shrieked as they were walked out the door perched somewhere on their parents.

With the kids' bags in hand for trick or treating, the couple started down the road to the other houses and began their journey.

22 houses and three bags full of assortments of candy later, the family of five returned home. Levi felt so embarrassed with his getup at the beginning of the mission, but five minutes in, he forgot about it when a kid from the boys' preschool class came up and stole their attention, running around and playing tag as they went from door to spooky door.

The boys' spirits had gone down when the kid had to leave back to his own parents, but a certain house owned by a certain someone was decorated like a mini haunted house, so the kids cheered up in no time.

"Who wants to watch Harry Potter!?" Eren carried the wide awake kids to the living room, two hanging off his wood, one held like a rucksack over his shoulder. Levi chuckled and closed the door as they walked in and removed their shoes, following his love and children. The TV was already turned on as the younger twin searched through the family movie cabinet for his favorite HP film, the "Half-Blood Prince".

"Found it, Daddy! Mommy! Can we have some candy?" Jack and Zack ran to their mother with pleading faces.

"One piece. Any more, and you two will never sleep tonight. Eren, give Lizzy a lollipop. But don't let her finish it. Let her teeth in it for a bit and then take it away so I can put her to bed before eleven." It was close to ten, so Lizzy wouldn't have the candy for too long.

"Alright, honey. Hey, sweetheart. Wanna dumdum? Mmm, yummy, isn't it?" Lizzy took the sucker with glee, shoving it into her mouth happily as the boys took their own suckers to eat on. Levi and Eren changed from their costumes, and the movie was slotted into the DVD player and started by the time Levi had enough blankets for everyone, the kids settled on Eren's large recliner with a Spider-Man throw blanket, Eren and Levi laying across the loveseat with a blue Sherpa throw blanket.

Fifty minutes into the movie Levi removed himself from Eren's stronghold and coaxed the sucker from Elizabeth's grip to store in the fridge before he carried her to get bedroom to put her to bed. He changed her outfit from her costume to her PJs and put her in her crib.

"Now, now, my love. You want your stuffie? Here, shhhh. Want your music box to play? Okay, okay, mommy's on it. There," Levi said as he handed her the elephant stuffie and began playing the lullaby of the music box, ballerina spinning slowly with the tune.

"I love you, my little girl. Sleep well and sweet dreams, angel. Mommy and Daddy will be downstairs with the boys. You go to sleep because you and me have a big day. Mhm. Shhhh."

Once Lizzy was asleep, Levi returned to his mate. "She's out. Boys?" The boys were passed out, leaving only the parents awake. Levi sighed with affection at the sight of the twins back to back in the chair, eyes closed and mouths opened as they released little snoring sounds in their slumber. "So cute," he whispered, sliding back into Eren's arms.

"Just like you," Eren retorted.

"Oh shut up, brat," Levi mumbled, turning his eyes back to the screen.

"But it's true," Eren teased, pressing a light kiss to the mating mark on the Omegas nape.

"Ugh. Whatever. Shut up, now, and let me finish the movie." They remained silent until the Omega was fast asleep, draped in his husband's arms.

Eren turned off the TV and carefully got up off the loveseat, moving the kids to their beds before he went to retrieve Levi. He carried his wife bridal-style to their bed and laid him down, spooning Levi from behind and nuzzling his mating bite as he succumbed to his own exhaustion.

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