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"How do you expect to become a Cherubim at this point...!?"

Mammon cast his gaze on the ground, not meeting anyone's eyes. Raphael already had his spear on hand, clenching the handle strongly. Lucifer's brows were furrowed.

The black-haired angel's afternoon had been interrupted once the door to his study slammed open, Raphael dragging the troublesome Mammon into the room.

"What is it this time?" Lucifer frowned at the two present, arms crossed above his chest.

"Mammon thought it would be funny to play chess using the angels to make it more 'three-dimensional' and 'cool'." Raphael clenched his weapon tighter in anger.

"I didn't mean any harm!" Mammon weakly defended.

"I highly doubt that. And even if I did, just because you didn't mean harm doesn't mean you didn't do any harm." Raphael scoffed. "You 'borrowed' them, causing them to go off track with their duties...!"

"They didn't tell me that!"

"That's because with your rank, they couldn't in fear of disrespect!"

Lucifer massaged his forehead at the situation his idiot brother had gotten himself into now. "Would you both stop arguing?"

"Lucifer, I know Mammon's your assistant, and you hold slight favorability for him–"

"I don't play favorites."

"--but surely even you can agree that disrupting multiple angels' time is surely out of the line, even for him." Raphael paid no mind to the interruption. "I don't often question your choices, but are you really firm in your decision for Mammon to soon have the title of a Cherubim?"

Heaving a heavy sigh, Lucifer attempts to neutralize his expression. "Firstly, Raphael, put your weapon away."

Begrudgingly, the ash-blond haired male did as he was told. Mammon looked up to glance Lucifer, only to look away with a yelp once the angel fixed his gaze onto him.

"And Mammon, why would you think doing such a thing would be a good idea?"

"..." The white-haired angel pressed his lips together, resembling a small pout in an attempt to be cutesy with someone who might spare him. "...I was bored."

"...If you're so dutyless to the point that you'd find yourself bored, then I'll gladly assign a few more obligations to you."

Mammon flinched, barely suppressing in a groan as he was well aware Raphael was one second away from summoning his spear and stabbing him.

How was he supposed to know that a little mindless fun would result in this much disruption?

Mammon resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Lucifer's voice broke him out of his thoughts. Mammon perked up before frowning and looking down once more. "...Sorry, I guess."

"Try again. With a little more sincerity." Lucifer reprimanded sternly. Mammon jolted. "S-Sorry!"

Raphael sighed irritably. "You know a single sorry won't cover everything that resulted in your 'fun', right?"

"...Raphael, who has this news reached so far?" Lucifer turned to the aforementioned male. The ash-blond male hummed lowly. "I've yet to submit a report on this ludicrous situation. That means I've only informed you so far."

"...I'll deal with Mammon, then. As well as the troubles this...situation has caused. In turn, you do not need to submit a report on this matter."

Mammon's eyes widened, immediately darting towards the black-haired male. Lucifer's face bore no signs of ridicule, nor jest. Raphael was less pleased about his decision.

"...You can't be serious." Raphael's palm made contact with his forehead. Lucifer exhaled inaudibly. "I am."

"...No favoritism, he says." The ash-blond male murmurs in annoyance. Lucifer raised a brow. "What was that?"

"Nothing." Raphael turns around and walks out of the room. He was well aware he wouldn't be able to shake Lucifer out of this decision, considering it involved his favorite assistant.

Mammon's shoulders sagged in relaxation. He then sniffled. "Aww, Lucifer. You're bestest brudder ever–"

"Be quiet." Lucifer glared down at the male, making the angel smile in a deadpanned manner.

"Because of you, I have to deal with the result of your imbecilic ploy, stacked with my other duties." Lucifer sat down on the chair in his study as Mammon remained standing. "You really need to be taught proper responsibility."

Opening a drawer, the black-haired male took out a folder, flipping through its contents. "I feel you have a lack of duty nowadays, since you find yourself bored."

Mammon swallows nervously.

Lucifer's incessant flipping finally came to a pause, stopping to reveal a profile of a human.

"So how about taking on a guardian angel role?" 

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