SEASON ONE; painful irony

Start from the beginning

"Dibs on piking him!" Warren said, a little too quickly, after Garnett mentioned something about putting him down. 

"Hey, I'm next in line," The girl joked, pointing her finger to her chest "he ate my Twinkie." Warren inclined her head to the girl respectfully.

"Alright, girl," she sighed "but that's only if I'm too busy." Murphy finally zipped it up, and they were back on the road. (y/n) opted to sit down and admire the somewhat boring Kansas landscape while they drove, trying to ignore the sharpshooter who kept glancing back at her with those blue eyes she loved, but loathed all the same.

                                ➳The group, a few hours later, had ended up outside of the gate leading into Province Town, a small community just outside of Kansas City. 

"Surrender all weapons?" 10k read a sign posted on the front gate, which unnerved (y/n) more than she cared to admit. "Are they serious?" The girl shrugged when he turned to give her a look. 

"Looks like it," she sighed, standing up to get to ready to stretch her aching shoulders. "time to give them up, if you want to eat." 10k considered this, but still had a pout on his face. 

"Stop right there!" A female voice bellowed, coming from a woman in sunglasses, holding a rifle pointed directly at them. Lovely. 

"Oh, this must be the welcome party," (y/n) chuckled, nudging Addy - who cracked a small smile back, but something about her was off. Completely off, and it scared her. Garnett stepped out of the truck to negotiate with the woman, and told her of a friend he knew before the Zs took over. Within minutes, this "Joe Williams" stepped out of an adjacent building to greet them. 

"Come inside and tell me your story," the man invited kindly "we'll get you some food." (y/n)'s stomach growled, reminding her of how long it had been since she'd had anything to eat. "And, of course - you'll have to check in your weapons." The girl's heart sunk, not feeling to enthused at being parted from the knives that had saved her life on multiple occasions. 

"I'd kill for a muffin right now," she groaned, and 10k didn't look at her when he replied. 

"I really miss Oreos," he sighed, hopping down from the truck. As they got in line, conversation and chatter ceased - like usual. Garnett went first, surrendering his belt and hammer. Mack and Addy followed, and (y/n) was a little disappointed at how little they carried on them. 

Maybe she should teach them to throw knives, one night once they'd found a place to stay. Cassandra, who only had one knife due to low supply of actual guns, had taken (y/n)'s pistol - which she surrendered as well. 

"Just like Dodge City," Doc mentioned, casually, but Joe seemed to take offense. 

"We have our reasons," he said, making the boundary clear. (y/n) stepped up to her turn, and she heard Garnett speaking. 

"Makes sense," he offered, obviously trying to be nice so their group could rest a while here. As she gave the man behind the window her rifle, she figured the place was safe enough - judging by the fences and large number of people they'd seen. 

The man seemed to admire her rifle. "Yours?" he asked, inspecting it. The girl arched her eyebrow. 

"Obviously?" she chuckled, grabbing her axe from her belt and starting with her knives. As usual, two in her left boot and two in her right. And, the thigh holster for a hunting knife Garnett had given her last week. 

It was black, to match her pants, and was made out of an old belt - she was pretty sure. But hey, it worked. 

She stepped forward after begrudgingly giving up her weapons to be scanned by the same woman who 'greeted' them earlier. The machine swung along her legs nicely, but beeped loudly once it reached her chest. From the corner of her vision, saw Garnett raise his eyebrows at her.

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