THREE| never mix kooks and pogues

Start from the beginning

"They were straight smugglin'."

"Smugglin'." John B. repeated, "And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck."

"I get your point, but how does Scooter smuggling drugs do anything for us?" Eden spoke up, looking up at the brunette boy for an answer.   He gave a small smirk, pointing a finger at her.

"Everything connects.  We just need the full picture."

The five then moved into John B.'s room, figuring if they were gonna talk about this, it should be more private.  It was rather crowded—the room was small as it was, having five teens in it didn't help—so everyone sat in their own cramped little corners.  John B. in the windowsill,  Kie and JJ in chairs, and Pope towards the bed's headrest, Eden at the edge towards the blonde.

"For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it, it probably belongs to someone else." Pope stated, playing around with the wad of cash in his hands, the one JJ had stolen.

"Minor details." Kiara shrugged.

"They could come looking for it—"

"—and if we take whatever's in the boat, we'd just be putting  a kick me sign on our backs." Eden finished, "It would be a stupid idea, even for us."

"Right." JJ replied, leaning over Eden to grab the money from Pope's grasp, "Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time." He spread the money out, his eyes peeking out from the top.  He then tossed the money on Eden's thighs and continued speaking. "All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck.  Until then, we just lay low.  Act normal."

"Sure. But, what do you suppose we do to act normal?" Eden shuffled the money back up, putting it all back together before handing it back over to Pope, who took it.

Kie looked at her friends, breaking the small silence with her small grin. "Kegger?"

Pope, Kie, JJ and John B.  looked at one another before looking at Eden, all with the same small smirk on their faces.  Eden was the mother, the decision maker.  She was the one who had to finalize this.  And of course her answer was, "Let's do it."

It only took an hour for them to set up everything needed.  Eden had decided they had the party on the part of the beach that was littered with driftwood and fallen trees—the boneyard—as it was bigger and could hold more people.  And that's what they were going for.  Lots of people.

And lots of people included Kooks.  Eden was usually against the idea of inviting any Kooks to parties—not like anyone else wanted too.  They would just show off their richness, comment on everything, and they'd drink up all the alcohol.  But,just like the Pogues had talked about, they needed to lay low, and the more people, the lower they could get.

After finishing the set-up, they all sat on pieces on some fallen trees, getting their fair share of drinking in before the party started.  John B. had already been sprayed in the face with the keg, and Eden's legs were all sticky from JJ having accidentally spilled a drink on her.  It felt great to have a care free moment with her friends, a party if you would call it that.  Eden loved when she could have care free moments with the Pogues.  It made her feel free. 

Until she wasn't.

Eden's phone vibrated in her pocket—at first, JJ had turned up the music so loud she hadn't been able to—and she grabbed it, a bright smile still on her face from the comment JJ had made. But, as she read the contact that was calling her, her smile dropped.

Isla Bexley.

"Shit." Eden muttered, biting her lip afterward.  She'd completely forgotten about the power outage, that service on her phone had been down for the whole day.  Her mother must have called her, spammed her, within the hours, and she was just now seeing it.  Oh lord, was she going to be pissed.  

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