Hypnotic Eyes ( 5 )

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"So this is what you do all day? Just sit in the basement and pout?" Kim folds her arms over one another as she leans on the stair railing. I look up from my magazine with an unamused face."No, I actually do this thing called applying for schools, because you know. I got above a 2 on my gpa. Like you would've if you finished your last year instead of choosing to fuck Jim in the back of his best friend's car."

"That's not what happened." Kim's face turns bright red.

"No? Oh, cause I could've sworn I saw Denny bragging to Jim about how he recorded in with his video camera."

"He WHAT?" She holds back an angry shriek and I sigh and sit indian style on the pull out couch.

"Kim... What happened to you?" She gives me a look with her giant hazel eyes and I furrow my brow. "We were top of the class. Together. We were going to march side by side at graduation, go to college together."

"I know." Her frown is evident, but Kim is stubborn, and probably still mad at me for screaming at her friends again.

"How is Jim worth giving up every dream you had?" She looks away from me, trying to focus on something over to the right on the wall.

"It's... not like that." I rise from the bed.

"You're right. It's more like he's beating you into submission." Her eyes flick back to me, and she doesn't respond. We stare at each other for a while before the door at the top of the stairs opens and startles us both.

"I saved you a piece of cake, Christie. Don't tell Kim, I don't want her to think I—" Peg stops as she reaches the bottom of the stairs and sees Kim there. Kim rolls her eyes and heads up the stairs.

"You don't need to punish her for me, she's fine." I watch as she heads up the stairs, letting out a deep sigh as the door slams shut.

"I'm sorry... were you two fighting?" I shake my head lightly.

"We don't fight. Just... match wits, I guess."

"Are you okay?" Peg places a hand on my back and leads me over to the couch. I take a seat and she hands me some of her very famous pineapple upside-down cake. I take a bite, trying to weigh my options.

"I was thinking... that maybe I should go to college. Soon." She looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well, that's... that's a great idea, Christalien. You have the money for that?" I give a small nod and she rubs her hand on my back. "You seem hesitant." My mouth twitches.

"Kim and I were going to go together. Is it fair of me to go without her?" I take another bite of cake. "Is it fair of me to use my parents' life insurance funds for my own schooling?"

"Sweetheart, all they ever wanted was for you to be happy, of course it's okay." She sighs. "As for Kim... Well, I just don't think she'll be quite ready for a while. She still has to finish an extra year of school to make up for... her tardiness last year."

"You mean Jim stealing her life."

"Yes." She glances to the bar but quickly shakes her head, backing out of drinking. "But, that's not to say she won't still be a part of your life. You can always come back home, you do get breaks you know."

"But Peg, I don't know why I would. This town is so... So.. Ugh. I don't like it here. I don't even have a home anymore because I got overwhelmed at the thought of paying for it. The place I'm from doesn't even exist anymore. This isn't home."

"Home isn't where you're from." Peg and I snap our heads up. Edward has come downstairs without either of us noticing. "It's where you're wanted." Our eyes are locked on each other, and I feel.. guilty?

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Peg regains her loving smile, rubbing me once again on the back before rising and heading to the stairs. "Goodnight, Christie. Goodnight, Edward."

"Goodnight Aunt Peg." I say quietly, giving her a smile before she heads up the stairs. My eyes flick back to Edward, who remains staring at me.

"Where would you go?" He asks, and I fidget my fork nervously.

"I don't ... really know, I was just theorizing I guess." Edwards seems emotionless.

"You said you were staying here."

"Well. I don't know. I feel a bit like I'm imposing on everyone, you know?" I sigh and place my plate on the bar. "Peg can only provide so much for me, and I know Kim is sick of me yelling at Jim and Lacey." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Kim was upset with Lacey."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

"She.. said she was rude and shouldn't come over again." Wow. Maybe she's finally standing up for herself.

"Still... I'm not sure she appreciates how much I expose Jim. He's a jerk, and I'm the only one willing to say it."

"He's a jerk."

I turn to Edward, who stares blankly, still. I feel my stomach shake before the laughter rises up out of me.

"Yeah. Yeah, glad you see it too." I shake my head with a smile before making up the pull out couch. "It's hard to find a reason to stay here though.. I just don't feel wanted, I guess. No one makes me feel wanted." I feel Edward step up behind me.

"I want you." I turn around, our bodies tight up against each other, and though he's slightly taller than I, our faces nearly touch. "I want you to stay here." His dark eyes are unmoving, and I wonder if he knows just exactly what he's doing to me. I'd be lost in him forever.


But he doesn't answer. He just stands there. He just looks at me, and I just look at him. My body feels like it sways, and it isn't long in the silence before I give in.

"Fine." I sigh and take up my side of the bed. "I'll stay." I stare at Edward, who is still unreadable as he stands in front of me. "I guess we should probably put you in pajamas.." I rise and retreat to the dresser on the other side of the room. I pull out a pair of dark blue pajamas, presumably Bill's older ones, and turn back around to have Edward up in my face again. I feel my chest constrict as he bring himself closer and closer to me, my body pressed up against the dresser and even though deep in me I don't want to move, I can't help but notice I couldn't even if I did.

"Thank you." His voice is so airy, so light and soft in my ears that I swear it could cleanse my body. His head tilts, and he tucks down to me, kissing my cheek lightly. He has no idea what he does to me.

And I have no idea why I let him do it.


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