Chapter Seventy-Six: Out of Control

Start from the beginning

Something in the way his companion spoke forewarned him of a looming danger but as he carefully pulled the jumper down over his shoulders and chest car, and the car came to a stop a few feet away, it struck him that being so compliant might not be the best option. He had just decided to change tactics when his head seemed to explode from within and blackness stole his consciousness ....


Three hours later Jay became aware of his surroundings. Although his brain cells still seemed to be only half powered he was immediately on alert as he tried to gather his bearings before opening his eyes. Listening carefully he couldn't hear anyone in the close vicinity so slowly he forced his eyelids up and the bare light overhead caused a groan to escape unbidden as the headache he had acknowledged upon waking intensified momentarily. Hell, he chided himself mentally, he should be used to concussions by now. In fact he could probably give lectures on them! Willing the excruciating pain to recede he took some deep breaths, relieved his reaction hadn't been noted or at least hadn't warranted a visit. He needed time to get his equilibrium back. Sitting up extra slowly he realized the vest had been removed and he now wore only the chunky jumper King had given him. He didn't like the idea the man had taken off his own top and the vest while he was insensate but there was nothing he could do about that now. Being out of control was a throwback to his tumultuous childhood days when his old man had complete autonomy over him. It angered and sickened Jay all at once that feelings of vulnerability had been resurrected by King. Such emotions however could not be dealt with now so, as he was well practised at, he locked them away in the back of his mind. For now he had more pressing matters to deal with. Not least of which was finding out where he was and what exactly King had planned.



The Unit arrived back at the temporary office space with the two New Yorkers and Will and Conor in tow. It hadn't taken long to find out King was in the wind with Jay. After thanking Sharon Goodwin for her help and promising to keep her posted Voight had reluctantly decided to retreat to work out their next steps. The two SUVs had been silent for the journey from the hospital but now it was time to talk things through. Sitting around the bright kitchen the group half heartedly drank coffees and sodas, even Adam for once showed no interest in the fridge contents.

"He'll be okay," Als' quiet assurance was the first to break the silence.
"You don't know that!" Will scoffed angrily, his brother could die and he couldn't do anything about it.
"I know if anyone can get through this it's Jay," the seasoned Detective explained evenly, he fully understood the redheads'concern, "he's the most resourceful person I've ever met, not to mention tenacious ...,"
"Don't forget stubborn," Antonio put in with a rueful half smile, "and resilient."
"He's all that and much more," Voight concurred gruffly before eying the elder Halstead sibling candidly, "and we won't accept any outcome other than him coming back to us."
"I believe you," Will acknowledged the heartfelt words, "but we all saw the cctv footage. At the very least he has another concussion."
"No point in worrying about the 'what ifs'," Parker decided to speak up even though he too shared grave doubts about the young Detectives' safe return, "it won't help the situation."
"So what the hell does King have planned for Jay?" Adam looked at the others hoping someone had an idea.
"It's bound to be something big," Kevin scratched his chin thoughtfully, "he doesn't do things on a small scale.
"What are you checking?" Antonio looked over to where Mouse had his full focus on the cctv footage on the laptop in front of him, it hadn't gone unnoticed the IT Specialist had been watching the footage over and over again.
"He didn't hear you," Adam explained as he tapped the preoccupied man beside him, "Antonio was talking to you. He wants to know what you find so interesting ..,"
"Huh? Oh ......," Mouse moved his gaze away from the screen to find all eyes on him, "well ...... it's just I think I know what they were talking about ... part of the time anyway."
"And?" Voight prompted.
"King spoke about Snipers and how good Jay was."
"How do you know that?" Adam couldn't hide his scepticism.
"I've been learning how to lip read," Mouse shrugged, "thought it might come in handy sometime."
"What else did they talk about?" Murphy checked.
"Can't really make it out," the wiry man admitted apologetically, he had only started learning after all, "they were talking too fast for me."
"Hey you gave us something we didn't have," Antinio consoled the ex-Ranger, ""maybe he wants Jay to see he's a better Sniper than him."
"We know he admires Jay," Parker nodded in agreement, "despite everything deep down he wants to impress him."
"He can't seriously think killing all those people would impress Jay?" Will argued in disbelief.
"No one is saying King is thinking rationally," Murphy put in before his fellow New Yorker could respond, "in his mind everything he's done has been justified .... that's why he's a loony toon ....,"
"John!" Parker eyed his old friend in exasperation.
"Alright, alright," the Assistant Director put up a hand in surrender, "that's why he's ...... got mental problems."
"Whatever he has he needs to be stopped before he can carry out whatever plan he has in mind," Voight observed grimly, "no more people are going to die because King's a ... loony toon."

Parker rolled his eyes at the description, recognising the Sergeants' attempt at easing the tension and, if the resulting chuckles were any measure, noting he had succeeded in doing so. He just wished King wasn't still such an unknown quantity. It seemed like they were fighting the Invisible Man at times and that did not engender hope. As he looked around the kitchen however he realized hope could be found in the men around him. They wouldn't let King win no more than he would ....


Authors' Note

I understand the story disappeared for a time. When I was initially notified I could see it on my page but this morning it had disappeared for me also! I uninstalled and reinstalled Wattpad app and the story is back Thank God.  Going to publish Chapter 75 now in case it disappears again!

Well it's only 11:36 here in Ireland but I'm off to find a big bottle of wine and take up drinking after that fright!

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