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" Hey, you wanted to talk?" Eric said as I opened the door for him.

" Hi..ummm come in" I said . I was nervous...and a little scared,  ever since mom died  we have never talked about us and I wasn't very confident going into this, what if he doesn't love me anymore...or what if he likes someone else, I kept thinking as I bit my lip.

" Hey...are you ok? He asked seeing my facial expression.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking at him " I wanted to talk to you about..umm us"

" Oh..." He said " I didn't think you were ready for that yet"

" Yeah...well I am"

" Ok...."

" Ok, I want to start by apologizing to you.. I know that it wasn't your fault and I shouldn't have broke up with you like that, you were trying to help your friend and she took advantage of that, and I let my anger get the best of me."

He was about to say something but I cut him off " before you say anything, please let me finish" I asked, he nodded.

" So , I know what happened between us could have been handled better...but I want to tell you that I still love you and... maybe...we... could ....try again?" I said the last part with my eyes closed.

He wasn't saying anything, so I opened my eyes to find him very close to my face, I wanted to say something but he pulled me closer to him and kissed me, when he pulled back , he said " you don't know how long I've wanted to do that"
putting his forehead next to mine..." I hope this answers you question" he said as he kissed me again, with one hand on my waist and the other on my neck...
I didn't realize we were moving until I fell on my bed....


I woke up the next morning and I couldn't stop smiling...his hands were on my waist holding me close to him.

" Good morning" he said as he kissed me on my head.

" Good morning" I said smiling at him.

" God I missed this..." He said looking at me.

" too" I said. " So...I take it forgive me?" I asked.

" Didn't you get your answer yesterday?" He laughed " well I could always show you again.." he said kissing me.

I gently pushed his chest " I don't think so...I don't think I can walk right now , and if you were to show me again ....I think you would break my back" I said smiling.

" I'm sorry...did I hurt you" his face turned worried.

" No... it's least I know you missed me" I winked at him.

He smiled " you know..having you back broken isn't the worst thing " he said kissing me.


Two months passed and it was getting to the end of 2021 , a lot of things happen this year , my mom died , me  and Eric broke up..we got back together and he proposed and I surprised him by saying yes.
It happened when we went out on a date..he took my hand and started saying...things, I knew where he was going and I always thought that I might end up saying no because I wasn't sure of our future but seeing him sitting across the table with my hands in his I knew I wanted to spend my life with him.

" Jenny..." He started " you may not believe this but I fell in love with you from the moment I met you.."

" Really " I interrupted him.

" And I have to confess that the first two years we were together, though filled with alot of problems in our relationship, it made me love you more and I still love you more and more every passing day...and that's why...."
He got up and got on one knee facing me, making people in the restaurant to look at us.

" Jenifer Gold, will you marry me?" He finally asked... everyone was silent...and I started crying..

" Are you ok" he asked.

" Yeah, I ummm just wish mom was here..." I held my hand out to him , he looked at me " aren't you going to put the ring on?... Oh I forgot...yes" I answered.
As he put the ring on my finger he hugged and kissed me... everyone  in the restaurant clapped and congratulated us.


We agreed to get married the next year  and the wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life....
We decided on an outdoor wedding and since I didn't have any friends the people who came were from his side.
Denise was my maid of honor and jane was Eric's best woman ..
But after the joining I saw benjamin...

" You look beautiful Katerina" he told me..

" Thank you...I didn't think you would come"

" What...and miss your way.. I'm glad you're happy kat. Really and I wish both your moms where here to see you"

I smiled " Me too"
" How's things over there?" I asked him

" Same as always...your father sends his blessing" he said.

" Wait...he what?...he knows?"

" Yes and no...he said he's finally forgiving you for running away "

I laughed " yeah least he's ok"


Three years later I got pregnant and I gave birth to twins...a boy and a girl.

We named the boy Ethan and the girl katerina...I wanted to name the girl Erica but Eric thought it would be nice if  she bares my real name.
And as for my shop...I expanded it, I have four branches in the country , it's funny even after all these years I still preferred the shop the way it was when I first started...  But I it has to grow for our income to grow as we now have children in the picture.

I started my life running away from love and family, now it's all I ever want in life and for the family I have now...I am forever grateful.
So if an annoying character like me can have a happy ending, even though I really don't think I deserve one after all I put people through , both fictional and non fiction , if I can be happy , so can anyone.

   Thank you for reading Time: the beginning, and I hope you enjoyed it.

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