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  The next day, I was still thinking if I should tell jenny about the night before, I then got a text from maggie saying she was sorry and she wanted to apologize...I didn't reply, I was still thinking on what to do...
I wanted to tell my mom but she would shoot at me....
But I could tell jenny's mother...she would know what I should do and she could tell me how jenny might react to all this, I called her but she already left to her house and wasn't going to come back until the I had to wait till then.

     I finally met her mother and explained everything to her..I was expecting her to shout at me but she didn't...she just kept looking at me while I told her everything.

  " That's it Mrs. Gold, do you think she would be mad"

" haven't told her what happened that night?" She asked.

I shook my head " no"

" Why haven't you?"

"Well I'm scared"

" Well I don't blame you .....look there is one thing I'm sure of, and that is that when jenifer puts her mind into something, she gives it her all , so even if she gets mad, I don't think she would want to break up because of this"

I was suddenly feeling hopeful " you really think so??"

She took a deep breath , then said " no"

" Wait, what?"

" Look I know she's my daughter and everything but I still can't figure out what goes on in that head of her's....but there's one thing I'm sure of, she hates being lied too"

So I made up my mind that I was going to tell her that evening, so I texted her.

Me: hey..

Jenny: hi

Me: can I come over tonight..I have something I want to talk to you about

Jenny: ummm..sure but let me come to your house, i can't remember the last time I was there...

Me: oh ok

Jenny: ok I'll see you in a bit. Bye

Me: Bye.

After like thirty minutes there was a knock on my door...

" Your really quick....." I stopped as I opened the door " maggie...what are you doing here?"

" Eric I'm so sorry"

" Ok, you need to leave.. like right now"
She walked inside but I was still at the door holding it open.

" I'm sorry Eric....I think I'm still in love with you"

" And I don't care ok ... please leave"

She walked to where I was standing holding the door, she grabbed my shirt and kissed me, I pushed her away

" What is wrong with you?"

"Wow" we both turned to find jenny standing in front of us,  I felt my heart drop...she had seen the kiss, she looked from maggie to me and started walking away.

" Jenny.. jenifer wait" I went after her, she  took the stairs...I lived on the third floor.

" Jenny wait" she just kept going down until the last floor when we got to the entrance of the building, I held her hand

" Don't touch me" she looked at me, I could see tears almost falling from her eyes.

" Look Jen It's not what it looks like ok"

" Is this why you wanted to see me, huh?
Is this your way of telling me that you were tired of me Eric " her voice was breaking as tears came down her face.

Before I could say anything she went through the doors into the rain, I followed after her.

" Jen please you have to listen to me I would never do anything to hurt you"

She didn't say anything...she just kept was raining heavily and we were both wet. I ran up to her and help her by the waist
" Jenny listen to me please"

She was crying out loud now, struggling for me to let her go, after a minute she stopped struggling then said...

" I can't do this..."
My hands went weak, they fell to my side, she turned around and looked at me..
" I can't do this..." Then she turned around and started walking away, I wanted to go after her but I if I did she might get angry and say something she doesn't mean.
I walked back to my apartment wet and dripping, maggie was gone...I would wait for jenny to calm down before we talk.

The next morning I went to her apartment as she opened the door she just stared at me then walked away, her eyes looked very swollen, she had been crying all night.
As I stepped inside and closed the door she was just standing there looking at me.

" What do you want Eric"

" Jen I can explain... it's not what it looks like"

She didn't say anything.

" She came to my apartment and told my she was sorry, I told her to leave then the pulled me in and kissed me, that's all , I never meant for any of this to happen"

" Is this the first time?" She asked me

" What "

" That you kissed her"

"I Never kissed her jenny....she kissed me the night she said she got robbed"

" Then why did you tell me" she was trying to hold back her tears.
" What I'm I supposed to do now huh...."

" Look I'm sorry Jen...I would never hurt you"

" But you did!!" She shouted, she was crying again.

Before I could say something she said

" I think we should stop"

" What ?" I said hoping it wasn't what I think it is..

"Us..we should stop"

" Jen..are you breaking up with me"

She didn't say anything.

" Shouldn't we talk about this first"

" didn't feel the need to talk to me about maggie, then why should we talk about this?...there is nothing to talk about" she said cleaning her tears then walking away.

 TIME : The Beginning.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang