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It has been four years since my mother's death and I am now 17 years...just 2 more years to go and I would leave this family...I had it all planned out....I had money saved and a few options on where to go...
But one of the big issue was how I was going to get a new identity without my father finding out???.
   It would have been more easier for me if my mom was still alive..she was the only one who knew about my plan and she was willing to help me but she died so except for the money aspect settled the major problem that she was surprised to take care of was put to a stop.

I sat there in my mother's room frustrated and angry...this was going to mess up my plan, No! I didn't want to stay with this family for the rest of my life, I wanted a life of my own free from everyone.

" What are you doing here?" Benjamin said as he leaned on the door to the room  "you've never come here until recently why ?"

" None of you business" I said irritated.

" Well I know you're not missing you mother that's for sure so tell me kat. Why hmm?"

" First of all it's katerina and second of all why must I tell you"

" You know katerina I never liked that tongue of yours"

Benjamin was my mother's friend ..well sort of. He was one of the few people who used their brains around here so he would help my mom in little ways he could...I had a feeling he liked my mother but it doesn't matter no because she's dead.

" What do you want benjamin?"

" Well I have something for you" he said showing me a box in his hand.

" What?"

" It's from your mom?"

" What is it"

" How should I know it's a locked box" he said handing it to me then he took a sit right next to me.

As I took it I looked at him " what are you doing"

" Well I want to see too. Can't I"

I didn't say anything...the box was closed but it wasn't locked, I turned to him again " why are you giving it to me now"

" Well she said to give you when you turned 17 so here you go"

" But you've already opened it haven't you"

" I would never..." He paused as I gave him a look " fine I did , you can't blame me I had it since you were 13 my curiosity got the best of me" he said raising his hands up.

I sighed then I opened it inside was a small book .
" I'll save you the stress , what you need to know is at the back of the book"

I stared at him...
"What...I couldn't help myself ok I'm human"

I didn't say any thing as I turned to the back of the book my mother wrote

If your reading this  it means I might not be able to help you  but I know someone who  can . Benjamin will help you  from here.
    And weather you believe it or not I love you.

" Hmmm I guess she came through even from 6 ft under"

" Yeah she did"

I turned to him " and you, you knew about this?"

" Yes I did"

" What was going on between the two of you"

" Huh" he said avoiding eye contact.

" You know what I don't even want to know . Just take me to the person"

" Not right now we have to go in two days"


" Because I...hmmm can't you just shut up and listen for once?"

" Fine" I got up and walked out of the room.

Two days later and I was getting ready to leave with benjamin. There was a knock on the door it was benjamin.

" Are you ready" he asked.

" Yes".

As we were going to the place we had to pass through the market and we took a lonely route. A man was shouting at someone " Give me your money if you don't want to die"

I stopped and started walking towards the man shouting " katerina come on we don't have time for this".

" In a minute" I said walking towards the men they cornered a woman that was shaking in the corner.

" Give her the things back" I said when I got close to them

As they turned to face me " M-Miss King what brings you here?"

" What does it matter to you?"

" Err.. nothing"

" Give her the things back".
They gave the woman her things back and I started walking away but she wasn't following ." Do you enjoy getting robbed?"

" N- no " she said walking quickly to where I was and stayed close to me till we left the  street.
" Thank you very much" she thanked me as we got to the next street where benjamin was waiting for me.

" No need. Goodbye"

" Goodbye and thank you".

I walked up to where benjamin was " let's go"

We walked for a long time before benjamin stopped at a door "In here"

I went to the door and knocked it took a while for  someone to open the was a woman..." Yes how can I help you"

" Hi my name is Katerina my mom sent us she said you could help"

" Jenifer?"

" Yes Jenifer King you know her?"

She took a step forward and touched my face then she hugged me . I turned to look at benjamin he had a sad expression on his face...
" I'm so glad you're ok" she said hugging me tighter.

I slowly pulled away from the hug
" I'm sorry who are you?"

" Oh I'm sorry my name is Katie your mother was my cousin".

 TIME : The Beginning.Where stories live. Discover now