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  It's a new week and guess what?? 
Eric still hasn't called me back...I would have called but the last time I did he said he was busy with work and he would call me later and he still hasn't.
Now the jenifer one year ago wouldn't have cared but the jenifer now did.

I finally got a call from him later in the evening but it was someone else on the line.

" Hello"

" Hello, are you jenifer?"

I looked at my screen to read the name before putting it back to my ear.
" Yes , this is Jenifer"

" Oh ok the owner of this phone said I should call you and he's very drunk right now "

" Uhh ok...where are you?" After he told me where they were I told denise to take of things in the store .
When I arrived at the was a bar, I had never thought I would come to this type of place after I left my family but her I was and to think that I came her because of a police officer..was really funny.
As I walked in I spotted Eric lying down on the counter and a guy next to him, I walked up to them.

" Hi " I said to the man.

Turning to me " hi, you must be jenifer"

" Yes, thank you for calling me"

" No problem errrr... Do you need help" he said as he saw me trying to get Eric to stand up.

" Yes please"

He helped me walk Eric outside the bar , then I stopped a cab and thanked him for helping... But I had to call jane with his phone to ask if she knew where he lived because he passed out... Luckily she knew and I told the taxi driver where to go.

We finally reached his building, I took his hand over my shoulder and used my hand to hold his waist to support him, we took an elevator to the floor he was staying , when we  got to his door I had to search his pocket for the key, finding it I opened the door immediately he ran to the bathroom to throw up .
After throwing up I helped him back to the couch in the living room..

" He's dead" he said almost in tears

" What?"

" Ramsey, we found his body last night.."

" I'm sorry.."

" No .. it's my fault, he had told me that he owed some money to a group that was into some illegal business but I gave him the money but they still killed him."

" Look, Eric it wasn't your fault"

" It is...if I had gone with him , he would still be alive but I didn't, I thought he was lying"

" What do you mean"

" This wasn't the first time he called asking for help and I just thought it was one of those times you know and now he's dead".

Now I didn't know what to say....I suck at things like this, the only words I could think of saying were
" It's not your fault ok"

But that seem to do it, because he looked at me me and smiled, he then held my chin and drew me closer and before I knew it he kissed me...
But I didn't push him off , I just sat there and i closed my eyes...
When he finally pulled away he looked at me, smiled and passed out.

" have got to be kidding me" How could he pass out after what he just did.


I went home that night and I decided to block his number, pulling out my I shouldn't block him, after all I'm more at fault, I knew he was drunk but I didn't stop him and he probably wouldn't remember anything from that day.

Three days passed and I was very angry..he didn't text or call me again. But he showed up later that evening.

" Hi Mrs. Gold" he greeted my mother..

" Oh Eric hi...we haven't seen you for some time" my mom asked.

" Yeah , I've been kind of busy with work so..."

" Oh ok, I figured that would be the reason" she said then she turned to me " ok I am g.....why are you looking at him like that?"
She asked me.

" W-what?"

" You were looking at him like you were going to kill him"

" Was I?" I asked. She just shook her head
" Whatever I'm going home...bye Eric" she said walking out the door.

" Bye Mrs. Gold" he said then turned but was looking everywhere but where I was.
If I wasn't glaring at him before, I was now.

" What?"

" Huh?"

" What are you doing here" I said clearly irritated.

" Hmm..I need to talk to you" he said finally looking at me.

We went outside beside his care, when I got there I just asked.

" What did you want to talk about?"

" I'm sorry"

" About what?"

" That day.."

I was waiting for him to finish but he wasn't saying anything, I was going to ask my questions but I wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing.

" What exactly are you sorry for?"

" Ummm for everything". Nope we are not going there, he was trying to be smart and I wasn't having it.

" Eric! Be specific , what exactly are you sorry about"

" For kissing you without your permission and whole I was in that state... I'm very sorry."

" Well... apologie accepted, it wasn't your fault , you were drunk so I don't blame you" I said half hartedly.

" No" he said grabbing my hand as I wanted to walk away.

" What .." I asked surprised

He was looking at the floor before he slowly shifted his gaze to me.
" I'm sorry I lied, Im not sorry about the kiss but I am sorry of the state I was in when it happened"

" Huh"

" I like you jenifer..I liked you from the very first day we met"

He was still looking at me, then I felt as my cheeks got a little warm, thank God it was dark so he couldn't see it.
As he told me he liked me I was expecting to be very irritated and angry but I wasn't, instead I was happy and this could only mean one thing...that I liked him too.
What I was trying to avoid happening for my entire life  happened, I ignored all the signs even though they were right there.

I was speechless and I didn't know what to say but I just wanted to get out of there because my heart was beating so fast .

"Hey, jenifer are you ok?" He said as he noticed the change in my behavior.

"... I uh, I have to go " and with that I turned around , and stopped a cab and got in, i haven't closed yet but I didn't I didn't care I just wanted to get out of there , denise was going to help me close the store.

 TIME : The Beginning.Where stories live. Discover now