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  Well this year has been full of ups and downs but one thing is certain what happens from here on is working in my favour.
I moved to a new apartment it's just what I wanted and I bought a shop and I am going to start a baking shop and I start in a week.
   I am feeling very excited ...I haven't been excited in a long time but I am loving the feeling.


It has been three months since we had the case with Jenifer and I still can't get her out of her mind.

" Hey Eric " jane said to me

" Are you ok??" She asked

" Yeah am fine"

" You know there is this new place my sister in law told me about she couldn't stop telling me about how she loved the cake there she brought some for me yesterday and God it was delicious so I am going there today"

" Ok have fun"

" Nope, you are coming with me"

" Why "

" Well because... You have been looking like you lack sugar and some sweetness in you life . I can't bring you a girlfriend but I can bring you this"

"Ok fine....I do like cake though"

" Great so we'll go by 4 and umm it's a little far so . ..."


We drove to the bakery looked quite decent as we walked in ...I still didn't see the need to drive this far .
As we walk into the shop we here people arguing at the back of the of the voices sounded familiar.

" Look mom you cannot come here every single day and not expect to fall sick... "

" Then let me stay with you for a while you still have a lot on you hands "

" No mom we talked about this you are not staying with me ok" the second person said walking towards the front of the shop.

" Jenifer" I called surprised.

" Yeah hi..." She said  looking at me and jane " hello officers"

" Oh my God officers what a surprise" jennifer's mom said behind her.

I was staring at Jenifer , when she noticed she tilted her head to the side and gave me a confused look,

" What" she asked.
When I realized I had been staring I look around and started rubbing the back of my neck  out of embarrassment.

Jane and Jennifer's mother looked from jenifer to me before she said...
" Please sit". " What brings you here".

"Well.." jane started. " My sister in law said this place makes amazing cakes so we decided to come and check this place out"

" Oh really !, Jenifer do you hear that?"

" Yes I did mom I'm sitting right here"

" So.....what would you like?" Jennifer asked us.

" Hmmm...I don't know..." Jane said.
" What do you have?"

" Well we have cakes and doughnuts for now, we also have pies and ...."

She began listing...

" well that's it but we have just cakes and doughnuts left the rest we've sold them"

"Awwwn I wanted to try your pie" jane said sadly " But that's ok I'll take the cake and doughnuts"

" Ok" jenifer said standing up .

As she went inside jane started chatting with her mother.

" So Mrs. Gold....have you guys thought of going online ? For your business"

" Well yes she has in fact.... she has an online page where you can place your orders and it will be delivered to you...they have been responding but not as much but then again she is just starting"

" Oh ok...are you not in on the business?"

" What"

" Well I noticed that you kept saying she... Is she the only one"

" Well Jenifer wants to do this on her own ..."

" Oh?"

" Yes... ever since she was a child she has always wanted to be independent and she never lets me help her , she always wants to shoulder it on her on."

" Really, why"

" Well it's how she's been ever since she was a child I even had to force her into telling me what to do around here, she's like that"

" Wow..." Jane said the she turned to me " well it looks like you have alot on your hands Eric"

I went stiff and held my breath. The mother gave me a confused look then she turned to jane.

" I don't understand" she said.

Jane laughed " it's nothing Mrs. Gold"

Just then Jenifer comes back with two small boxes in her hand..she then looked at us

" What? Why is everyone silent?"

" Nothing dear" her mother said.


After they had left my shop my mother turned to ask me...
" What do you think of him"

" Huh? Who"

" The officer"

Confused I asked " what about him?"

" Well what do you think of him"

What could I have possibly thought of him...i thought back...
He is 6 ft 1, black hair, brown eyes...he was ok.. so what did she want to here from me.

" What do you mean"

" Well he's very handsome don't you think"

" I guess...where are you going with this?"

" What I just thought..."

" Wait...."  I cut her off  "you know your old enough to be his mother right"

" Huh "

" Look , I don't care if you want love but go for someone your age geez mom"

" What !! I can't believe you..." She slapped me on my arm.

" What it's true aren't you old enough to..."

" Shut up"

" What"

" I was asking for you dummy..."

It took me a moment to realize ...
" Oh my God are you crazy no!!"

" Why not? He's nice"

" No mom, he's a cop and besides I do not want to be in a relationship"

"Well when are you going to be ready?"

" I don't know...Never"

" Hey"

"What...why are you shouting we're in public ok"

She glared at me and walked away.

What was she thinking....I don't want to be in a relationship. Relationships are exhausting , it requires physical and emotional effort, one I am not ready for...and even if I was it would be hard to find someone I liked who also liked me enough to cope with me because I am very sure ....I would make a very crappy girlfriend to them .

I really couldn't picture myself doing the late night call, having trust issues, getting jealous and whatever they do in relationships it was all draining if you asked me ...and most of the time it's all for nothing because the don't last most of the time and I honestly didn't need that drama in my life.

But if one day I find someone I liked enough to go through the emotional stress for...I would stick to it till the very end...

 TIME : The Beginning.Where stories live. Discover now