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It's been 3 years now since I left  my family...I now go by the name of Jenifer a combination of my mother's name and her favorite color.
As surprising as it seems my mother's cousin has found a way to stay with me for an extra year I am now 20 and she still doesn't want to go back ...when we got here she took the role of my mother as it would be easier for the people around us and wouldn't raise any questions about us.

To them we are a single mother with a teenage daughter. I didn't go to college incase you were wondering  I think it's a waste of time so I went to culinary school instead as it seems to be one of the jobs one can own without needing your credentials and I can be my own boss when I am done with school.

" So what are you going to do next honey"... My ' mom'  asked...and I gave her a confused look.

" Honey really". " Well I want to get a shop but before that I have to find a place to live"

" A place to live why? What's wrong with this one?" Her face turned sad.

I looked at her face and sighed the last thing I want is her being moody all day and making me look like the bad person. And I do appreciate what she has done for me but I've always wanted to be on my own for as long as I can could say it's my dream .

So I tried not to hurt her feeling " look you know that 3 years ago I came to you because I wanted to be alone and now I am almost there I can't just throw it away"

" I know but I don't bother you much  do I must you move out I mean you only recently became an adult"

" I'll move out sooner or later but it's sooner than you think"

She thought for a while "ok but please tell me when and where you're moving to"

" I can't promise that".

I moved out 3 months later and I didn't tell her because at that time we had a huge fight still about my life issues .....

" Why are you always running away from people?" She shouted at me.
" I have been nothing but a good mother to you Jenifer and you always treat me like an outsider and you push me away saying you want to be alone"

I normally don't say anything when we have our fights but I was today .

" Look I never wanted you to care about me ok...form the very first day that we met I told you what I wanted and I get it if you feel responsible for me but that doesn't give you the right to seize my things to stop my from moving...I don't need you to be here for me I am perfectly fine on my own"

" Oh I see that ok you don't need me but can't do this I promised benjamin and your mom that i would take care of you"

" And I am really greatful for everything you've done for me but you don't have to keep your promise ok. Promises are broken all the time and you won't be the first"

And with that I left the room.
After I moved out I contacted her and told her where I was so I wouldn't worry but that was a big mistake because she started visiting way too often so I moved again but that's where things went wrong...I happened to witnessed a murder in front of my new apartment building and I am now a suspect and a possible accomplise of the murderer I know lucky me right.

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