Sitting forward Naruto thought about the possiblity of people that know of him holding the fox. "What about the people knowing of Kurama?"

Sara straightened at the name of the fox. It had been a year since Naruto started to refer to the fox as Kurama. She knew they have had conversations but she didn't trust the demon with her son's soul. "We won't let any of those bastards touch you." Naruto fidgeted with his hands and nodded.

As much as Naruto knew his family wouldn't let a fox hunt happen to him, it was still so nerve wracking. He loves them and wants to stay with them. Though, he is stronger now. He wasn't sure how he'd do against a Jonin. But he is pretty sure he could take some of the Chunin in the village.

Packing everything he'd need before he went to bed for the day, Naruto was nervous but also kind of excited. None of the kids new who he was. So maybe they wouldn't even be bothered by him.

He had to admit though, he was pretty excited to see Jiji. The Hokage visited quite often. Always helping with training, or just to go fishing or hunting with him. Something Naruto really enjoyed. Smiling the world faded from view.

Kurama was sitting in his cage in front of him. "What do you want brat."

Looking up at the fox Naruto just chuckled, "You know I'm growing on you oversized rabbit!" The fox growled at the comment.

"So I was wondering why I can't use your chakra? I thought my seal was made in a way to share chakra between each other?" Naruto looked up at the fox curiously.

Huffing Kurama laid down, "Simple, I won't let you." Naruto sat down and crossed his arms. "Why not! I thought we were becoming friends!"

Kurama burst out laughing, "I can tolerate you boy. That doesn't make us friends! Why would I the most powerful bjuu give you my power!"

"Well we are stuck together. Why not just get along and help each other?" Naruto smiled up at the demon. "I think that's enough talk for now brat. Your going to be waking up."

As if on cue, Naruto opened his eyes and let out a massive yawn. Getting up he grabbed his things and put the in some storage seals. Helping his mother out, they made seals for all of their possessions including furniture.

Both Naruto and Kenshi had arrows strapped to their backs. Naruto had is wakizashi right below. His bow was in his left hand. On his legs he had holders for Kunai. Eight on each leg, with a pouch on his waste with more Kunai and shiruken.

Sara had a katana on her back. An old Whirlpool Jonin vest. She was a terror with a sword. Naruto loved sparring with her, but she was deadly. Kenshi also had his katana strapped to his side. He preferred the Yumi. But having good close range weapon was always a reliable fall back.

Yui on the other hand, looked as if she was unarmed. That was a lie of course. She likes to play the innocent card. At fourteen she was quite a bit taller then Naruto. She also had knives all over her body. Unlike Naruto she also had full control over her elemental release. That being earth release. She could also use some fire though it wasn't her specialty.

It took a day and a half for the Oda family to arrive at the gates of Konoha. Two Shinobi that were standing guard stopped them, "What's your business in Konoha?"

Kenshi just gave a reassuring smile, "We are here to bring back a lost citizen of yours." With a gesture to Naruto. Both ninjas paused in utter shock. Everyone in the villages believed demon kid had been killed. Being five full years since he had disappeared.

Shaking the shock from their system. The ninja nodded, "Right sorry. I would report to the Hokage's office first thing." Allowing them to pass, Naurto noticed the stares. Almost all started with confusion then transitioned to hate.

Yui noticed the states as well and wrapped her little brother in a side hug as they walked. "Thanks sis." Smiling down at him she hummed an your welcome.

Arriving at the Hokage office the receptionist looked them over. " How many I- " making eye contact with Naruto her face twisted into one of disgust. "You need to leave."

Sara stepp d in front of her kids, "We are here to see the Hokage. You will allow us to pass." Before the lady could respond both Sara and Kenshi unleashed their killer intent.

Naruto couldn't lie, it was funny to see her shaking behind her desk. Breaking him from laughing to himself, the door to the Hokage's office opened with all the clan heads ready for a fight when they noticed the Oda family. Hiruzen smiled, "Naruto my boy! Odas it's good to see you all! Please come in."

Sitting down all the clan heads looked at the family as they bowed to the Hokage. Shikaku leaned to Itachi after he saw Naruto, "Itachi, is that Naruto?" The young Uchiha nodded. "Yes. After everything with Danzo, it was best to hide the Jinchuriki."

"It is good timing you have arrived. With the clan heads and elders here we can announce the return of Naruto Uzumaki-Oda." Everyone looked at the blond boy in utter shock. The elders were furious as was the Hyuuga Head Hiashi.

Hiashi stood up, "We were under the impression that the boy was lost or killed. Why would would you hide this." After speaking all the clansman burst into yelling outside of Itachi and Shikaku.

Shikaku looked at the man and women who was standing with Naruto. 'Oda, Oda, Oda..... ODA! He is Kenshi Oda, the ex-honor guard of the Daimyo. The man is an incredible marksman and swordsman.' Shikaku chuckled, hoping nobody pissed him off. His power level is easily equal or a little higher than Kakashi Hatake.

Slaying his hand down in frustration, Hiruzen yelled, "ENOUGH!" Everyone froze looking at the old Shinobi, "I found it proudent given the circumstances. Danzo had one of his ROOT abandon him in the forest where Kenshi Oda and Sara Oda found him. I gave them permission to raise the boy away from the destructive path that our village was going to lead him down."

Looking between the boy and Hiruzen they didn't dare say anything. Kenshi chuckled, "Well I was wondering where we were headed. Also Naruto is to enroll in the academy tomorrow so I thought we should discuss his progress."

Everyone questionably looked at Kenshi. Homura, one of the two elders looked at him, "How could this child be ready? He has been out of the academy for four years."

"Well if all really must know, he is trained in Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Fuinjutsu. His archery skills are astronomical and he can create regularly hundreds of shadow clones." Everyone looked at Naurto who got nervous being the center of attention.

Hiruzen smiled, "Good! Now that that's decided I have a Shinobi that will be taking you to your new home." Kakashi walked through the door and gave them an eye smile.

"Naruto you may know him as the Anbu Dog from when you were young but Kakashi Hatake was a close friend to your birth father and one of his Genin." Looking at the white haired man in wonder Naruto ran up to him with a smile, "So you were trained by Minato?! That's so cool!" Kakashi chuckled and ruffled his hair. "We can talk about that later."

Naruto looked over at his mom and dad who were just smiling at them, "At our new home Naruto." Sara tried looking stern but Naruto could see the happiness hidden under the tough expression. Nodding he followed Kakashi out of the Hokage's office.

Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Konoha Where stories live. Discover now