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I walk in to my room and sit down at my computer with a smile on my face, trying to focus on what I really need to do is harder than I thought it would be. I just have Harry on my mind all the time and he is all I think about, I am so fucking whipped that it's not even funny.

"Louis?" I look up at my mum standing in the doorway and I can see the worried look on her face so I decide that this is not the time to say that I can't talk because I have homework.

"I got a call from the school saying that your grades are dropping, the only subject that you still keep a good work in is media" She says and sits down on my bed and I can see that she is worried about me. I don't like it when my mum is worried about me because she doesn't deserve a fucked up kid like me.

I always feel like how hard I am trying that it's never enough. I always try to make my mum proud but it feels like all I do is letting her down. I have been so focused on Harry that I have forgot to actually pay attention in school. Damn it.

"I am trying, I have just been a little distracted those last couple of weeks." I say and look down at my lap realizing that my mum doesn't want me to be sad about it. I love my mum because she knows that I try so hard to make her proud and that it takes hard on me not making her proud.

"It's okay Louis. I just want you to know that if you ever feel like things are getting too much or that you can't handle it, then I am here for you." She says and stands up from the bed and walks over to me. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and I feel a tear fall from my eye because damn I have the best fucking mum in the world.

"Don't push yourself too hard, there is no need for you to get straight A: s Louis, all you need to do is keep working through it and do your best. I know that you will do just fine as long as you don't over work yourself." She says and I hug her tight.

That is what I love so much about her, all mums in books always want their kid do get good grades and that those letters on the paper say how smart you are. My mum isn't like that, she just want us to do our best and make sure that we don't push ourselves too hard...

I know that the reason she always remind us about that we shouldn't push ourselves too hard is because of our aunt. My mum's parents always pushed our aunt too much and it ended up with her taking her own life.

I never met my aunt but I have seen a lot of pictures of her and my mum always said that she was the best sister you could ask for. I wish I would have had the chance to meet her.

"Now dinner will be ready in an hour." She says and gives me a small smile before leaving my room. I turn back to my computer and start the video I filmed today. I edit the small parts with Harry in to my Harry video. I giggle when I see the boy do stupid stuff that just makes me smile. I am so freaking in love with him that I think I am going to go crazy.


I sit down beside my mum at the table and look at the soup that we have for dinner. It doesn't look that good but maybe that's only me, I don't like soup normally so I don't really see why my mum made it now. I am pretty happy that me and Louis ate at McDonalds earlier because otherwise I would have been walking around hungry.

"So Harry where have you been this whole afternoon?" Robin asks me and I look up at him. I know he's only trying to be nice but let's face it I would actually like to have a little bit of my life on my won. They don't really need to know about everything I do.

"I was with Louis." I say and take a spoon of soup and try not to show how much I actually think that this taste disgusting, there is just something about the way soup is that makes it taste disgusting. Like it feels so weird eating it that it ruins everything.

"Oh what did you two do?" My mum asks with a smile on her face and I look down on my knee because I honestly don't want to share everything with my family. I would actually like just keeping my love life out of this. Can't we do like normal families and talk about school while we are eating? Talk about how it's going in school? Well obviously not.

"Hung out." I say trying to show her that I do not want to share every single part of my life with her and Robin. I think they got the memo when they don't ask any more questions.

I feel like I was a little hard on them but I just kind of want like every other teenager a little part of my life that my parents doesn't know about. I want my life to be my life and not them being in it knowing every single part of it.

Sure I know they love me and doing it out of love but please.

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