Chapter Thirteen

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A week later, Emily had flown back to Ohio, and I had temporarily moved in with the Larks.

It was January first, a new year.

After dinner, I was sitting on the couch, on my phone, when suddenly Nate jumped over it and landed beside me.

I yelp, and drop my phone. Nate laughs.

Nate thinks. "You wanna go to the beach?"

"It's January." I argue.

"Dress warm." Nate laughs.

"Yes." I answer, and jump to my feet.

Ten minutes later, we were on our way to the beach. It was a pretty long drive, I'll say that much.

When we got there, the sun was setting.

The two of us walked along the beach in silence, listening to the crashing waves, our shoes abandoned back at the car.

It was empty, not a single soul occupied the beach but us.

As a stiff, cold wind blows over us, I take my wings out, just to stretch.

Nate looks at them, his expression solemn.

"It would've been better if you didn't come for me." Nate says.

I look at him like he's crazy. "That's funny." I laugh.

"I wasn't joking."

"Then you better change your tone, because I won't accept it as anything less."

"But then you could've gone home," Nate argues. "You could've been so much happier."

I glare at him. "I'd take your life over my happiness every time."

"Why?" Nate asks, turning away. "Because I saved your life? Because you have a favor to repay?"

"Yes." I nod. "And because I love you. You forgot one."

"I want you to be happy Arwen," Nate faces me again, and takes a step closer to me. "I know you're not. I know you're miserable here. If there was something I could do I'll do it. I'll drive you back to Florida! I'll fight your president, let me do it Arwen."

I laugh, smiling. Nate looks angry. "What?" He snaps.

I kiss him, my heartbeat getting louder, then lean back. "I'm happy with you." I promise. "I'd be happy as your girlfriend too. Just the fact you want to make me happy, makes me happy."

"But you can't fly." Nate says, looking down.

I make him look back up at me, and smile. "Small sacrifice."

He kisses me, and at the exact same moment an ocean breeze blows past us, and the rain starts coming down.

When he steps back, he glares up at the rain clouds. "Seriously?" He asks, making me laugh.

I look up and see a windred snickering.

"HEY BEAT IT!" I yell.

Apparently it thought I would actually go after it, so it took off, leaving the remnants of the rain to drizzle down.

Maybe this won't be so hard after all.

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