Chapter Five

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My parents went back to work the next day, and I won't see them again at home until New Years. Everyone gets a vacation then.

Meanwhile, the days ticked down so slowly.

Finally, Christmas Eve actually came!

"Nervous?" Opal asks as she watches me get ready.

"No." I answer. "You two won't be there."

"Ha ha." Ruthie rolls her eyes, smiling though.

I was dressed in blue jeans, my Converse, and a red lifeguard sweatshirt.

"Do I look okay?" I ask.

Ruthie nods, smiling. "Like you."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks Ruth, so helpful."

"We'll miss you at my house." Opal smiles kindly. "My fam wanted you to open our gift now."

"Oh mine too." Ruthie says, reaching into her bag.

"I guess I'll give you your's then." I grab the two boxes I wrapped the day before.

"Mine first." I grin, grabbing a box of my own.

They shrug, and we open them. We pull out three white t-shirts that say, "Yes, it hurt when I fell from heaven."

Both of them are in hysterics. Opal's wipes her eyes, and hugs me. "You should wear that today, Nate will get it too."

I laugh. "Oh my gosh I should, be right back."

After changing, I come back to Ruthie and Opal also wearing theirs.

"Open mine now!" Opal says, handing me hers.

Opal gave me some Pura Vida, and Ruthie a framed polaroid of the three of us. She gave one to Opal too.

"Merry Christmas," I smile, and hug them both.

"Have fun." Ruthie smiles. "We'll see you later tomorrow."

We flap outside, and take a double take at the cold.

"It's freezing." Ruthie says, beating her wings harder as she hovers above the ground.

I pull out my phone and check the weather. "It's in the forties!" I yelp.

"Think you can make it in a sweatshirt?" Opal shouts over the wind.

"I'm Eagle," I grin, "I can weather anything. See you two later!"

Taking advantage of my strong wings, I start toward PSL.


When I land at the Lark's house, I'm shivering. I feel as if the temperature dropped even more as I flew.

I ring the doorbell again, and hold my arms, trying to absorb the warmth from my hoodie.

It's not five seconds later the door opens, and Nate's frowning at me. "You flew all the way here?" he asks, taking my hand and tugging me inside.

I nod while breathing in the warmth. "Yep. I'm fine. It's good for my wings, I can finally take advantage of how strong they are."

I put them away just as Mrs. Lark walks up to me. "You flew all the way here?" She asks.

I nod. "I love how warm it is." I shiver. "But seriously, I'm fine. Eagle wings."

Nate doesn't look convinced. "You're a Northerner." I laugh. "Calm down."

"And you're a floridian," Nate retorts, "Take my advice."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "No hello then?"

On the Horizon: Where the Wind BlowsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang