Chapter Ten

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I jolt up just as rain starts beating down. I hit Crossing.

"What?" he snaps, but his answer comes when he opens his eyes.

"We need to go." I demand. "I had a dream, they put him on a plane, we'll have to hurry."

Crossing abandons our stuff and we take off toward the sky.

As we fly, trying to rush out of the storm.

"Why do you care about this kid so much?" Crossing shouts.

"He saved my life." I snap. "Now I have to return the favor!"

"If you make it that far."

We flap around and see two Windreds with drawn guns. We draw ours. "What do you want with him?" I shout.

The second grins. "Why don't you find out?"

I pause. "What?" I ask.

They put their guns away. "We'll lead you to him." They promise, "We're willing to strike a deal, Ozone."

Crossing turns to me. "Don't trust them." He snaps.

"We won't make it far if they keep bringing this weather." I argue. "He'll be dead by the time we reach New York."

Crossing glares at me. "You're making a mistake Ozone."

I glare back at him. "You want to go back? Go ahead, but I'm doing this."

Crossing sighs. "I can't let you do this alone, not if Lark told me to."

"Well I'm in charge." I snap, and face the windreds. "Looks like we have a truce."


We followed the windreds up north, their wind speeding us up a lot.

Within the next day we reached New York.

The streets were slick with ice and it looked like most of the city was snowed in.

The Windreds suddenly grab my arms. "Hey!" I yelp.

"In order to keep our truce." They roll their eyes and drag me further.

Then I see him, on top of the Empire State Building, they have Nate unconscious and tied to a weird satellite looking thing.

We land, and I stumble forward, flick my hair back over my shoulder, and glare at every Windred around me.

Crossing lands behind me.

Nate looks horrible, his nose is a bright red, but his face is pale as a ghost's, and his lips are purple. He must be freezing to death, since he's only wearing jeans, Converse, and a white t-shirt.

I have a sudden urge to run to him, but I restrain myself.

Then a large windred, who looks important, steps up.

"Ah, Arwen Ozone," he grins. "I'm the general, and I believe we have a deal to make."

I snort, drawing my gun. "Hand him over." I snarl.

"Negotiations first, Ozone." the general laughs. "We'll give you the boy back, if you agree to our terms."

I hesitate, and shiver as another blast of wind blows past. "Which is?" I ask.

The general doesn't contain his smile. "We need to test our new weapon on a willing subject. If you agree, we'll give you back Lark instead of killing him."

Then from where he's tied, Nate groans, and moves his head.

He slowly opens his eyes, then they grow large when he sees me. "Arwen no!" he rasps.

Finally a tear slips down my cheek, and I feel the chill practically freeze it to my face.

I glare at the general, and draw my gun. I slip Crossing my phone.

I aim my gun at the general, flaring out my wings. "In. Your. Dreams."

Then I shoot.

I fly toward Nate, but three attack. In a fury of passion, I quickly kill all three, and shoot Nate's bonds, freeing him. I put my gun away and sling his arm over my shoulders and take off.

I fly off, at least five windreds on my tail.

"Arwen," Nate rasps, "You shouldn't have come."

"Heck Nate," I snort. "I guess I've got a favor to return." I smile. "Plus I made you a promise."

Then something hits my wings. I stumble in the air, but catch myself.

Then, on the horizon, wingeds start appearing, and flying toward us.

Ruthie and Opal flap toward me. Ruthie takes Nate's arm and helps me land. "Opal," I pant, "Weapon up there."

She nods, and suddenly there's an explosion.

"Nevermind." I laugh. "Help me get him home."

"Florida?" Ruthie asks.

Nate attempts to stand, and leans against the light pole. "No, I live in the suburbs."

I put my wings away, and call a cab

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