Chapter Eleven

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Once we got Nate home, I scavenged for every blanket and handed them to him, then made coffee.

I sit on the coffee table across from him, where he's sleeping peacefully.

Ruthie flaps over to me. "Dang girl," She laughs. "Remind me to keep you as a friend."

I laugh quietly, and hit her arm, looking back to Nate and frowning.

Suddenly a coughing fit overcomes me. "Sorry." I mumble.

Ruthie waves her hand.

Then the General walks in. "Captain Ozone," he says, then looks at Nate. "You're the most loyal soldier we have."

"General," I laugh. "You'd do the same for a human who saved your life-"

"And a human you're in love with." Ruthie grins.

I punch her in the gut, that shuts her up.

"Anyways," the General chuckles. "Just wanted to let you know we're going back, but of course you're welcome to stay."

I think, and glance back at Nate. "I think I'll stay until his parents get here."

The General nods. "I'll put Opal, Ruthie, and your parents on patrol."

"Thank you sir." I nod, and the two of them walk outside.

I cough again, must have a cold.

Then he blinks.

He blinks again.

Then his eyes flutter open.

I grin, my wings flapping. "Good to see that you sleep." I laugh. "You're not a vampire."

Nate laughs, then looks up at me, and into my eyes, making my heart lurch again.

Nate sits up, groaning.

I snatch up a pillow and place it behind him, then sit next to him.

Nate only laughs again. "Arwen, how am I supposed to thank you?"

I smirk. "Stay safe. I can't just fly all the way up the east coast whenever you get kidnapped."

Nate nods, laughing still. After a moment he looks back at me.

I sigh. "So... I kept my promise..."

Nate nods. "Yeah, I guess you did..."

A painful moment of silence passes, before I finally kiss him briefly, an explosion of tingles showering over me for a second, then stand up.

"I'm going to find a cough drop." I say, then fly into another room.

I can't help but smile though.


That night, Nate said his parents were driving home with his sister, so Nate went to his room to rest, and I just slept in the guest room.

Around midnight, maybe, I don't really know, another coughing fit woke me up.

I sit up, reaching for water, but then scream.

The bed is littered with gold dust. I flap my wings, jumping off the bed, and accidentally hitting the wall.

More dust falls from my wings as I fly.

I scream more, stumbling back more.

Then the door flies open, and Nate runs in. "Arwen?" he asks, looking around at the gold dust.

I cough up gold dust, and start to cry. "I- I don't- don't-"

"Hey, it's okay," he says, grabbing my arms, trying to calm my sobs.

I shiver, and more dust falls. I yelp and jump back, my wings hitting the wall again.

Nate grabs my phone, and texts someone, then drops my phone and leads me out the door.

I make it to the living room before more coughs and more dust.

"What's happening to me?" I sob.

Nate shakes his head, looking worried.

Then Ruthie flies through the door, and so does a Winged Doctor. "Thanks Nate." Ruthie pants, and he nods.

Ruthie grabs my hand. "What's wrong?" She asks kindly.

"I don't know!" I cry.

Then realization crosses Nate's face. He looks sorry.

The doctor looks helpless. "Lark?" He asks.

"Arwen," Nate says quietly. "Their weapon, it hit you. Why do you think they needed me?"

I cough more dust, listening.

Nate looks so worried and sorry. Why? "Arwen," he says, "You're shedding. You're shedding your protective aura."

The doctor looks horrified and jumps back.

"But- but-" I sob.

"It means you won't be able to fly."

The President! My heart sinks. "What?"

Mr. President sighs. "Ozone, you're one of our best fighters, this is not easy to say. But if your aura is gone, that means you could give away our cover, existence. I have to ban you from flying. You're grounded."

My face falls slack. "But- but sir-"

"I'm sorry Ozone." he frowns. He sighs, and glances at Ruthie, then looks back to me. "And, because you can't fly, you can't come back home."

One last sob escapes my lips, and I fall to my knees. I cough again, and wish I was dead.

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