RosesAreRed: last one before finals 🤧
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VaNessA :you look soo cute
7hours ago

{A\N > first and only face inspo reveal😏}

Vanessa's pov

I stared out of the window of my father's car , my phone still in my palms as i sighed loudly.

It had been just 3 days away from my two best friends and i was already missing them , even Rose's constant scolding when i didn't clean my room.

I wasn't sure if I'd be back in time for Christmas. It had always been a tradition to go to Rose's parents' for Christmas and it would suck if i missed it this time.

I wanted to spend it with them but i also really missed dad that's why I was here . And i also wanted to break some very important news to him and get his idea on it.

"We're here plum,"my dad's voice boomed from the driver's seat as he pulled over in front of the concert venue.

It was already dark outside and the outside of the stadium was pretty crowded with people of my age shoving into the small entrance.

"Thank you for driving me here dad" i smiled , leaning over to peck his bald head gently, before plopping back into my seat , unbuckling my seat belt.

He pouted childishly as he opened his wallet  . He handed me the concert ticket as well as some cash.

"Thank you"i thanked him grabbing my bag from the back seat

"Remember to be careful out there  V . I don't want anything bad to happen to my only child," he stated like the concerned father he was

"Yeah yeah i promise. I'll call you when I need you to pick me up . I'll be fine dad"

"Pinky promise "i rolled my eyes as i watched him pull out his tiny cute pinky. Of course, i held out my own  and hooked it with his ,"pinky promise."

"Oh by the way,"i started as i rummaged through my bag ,"how's the dating app i signed you up for?"

I watched him rub his temples and sigh,"i don't have time for that sweetie. I only have work and you on my plate and that's enough"

I nibbled on my lip looking at my palms , avoiding eye contact,"it's been 10 years since mom died. You have to stop thinking you are betraying her by moving on"

"I know . I know. But ..."his voice trailed off as he joined our hands together,"everytime I look at you. I'm reminded of her and i just feel like it's wrong."

"You have to move on with life someday" i suggested , pushing the wand of my lipgloss against my lips quickly before smacking them together,"it'll be fine dad."

"But i have you plum. I think that'll suffice" he smiled softly

"Not forever though dad,"i stated,"you never know . I might just find the live of my life the moment i walk into that concert venue "

"I highly doubt that ,"he snickered in amusement,"even if a man comes along...I'm still your number one ..right?"he nudged my shoulder making me giggle a bit.

"Of course dad. Always number one."

"You're lying , "he whined like a child.

"Seriously? How?"

"That London guy you were talking about..... Is he your boyfriend?"

I nearly choked on my own spit as i burst into a fit of amused laughter. My eyes glistened with tears as i watched his dumbfounded expression.

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