4. Birthday Party

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"which do you think suits her better...this-"Sydney pointed at the blood red short dress ,"or that-"she gestured at the same dress in black ,"based on the pictures of Keisha that i showed you."
Hardin tapped his chin rhythmically as he glanced between the 2 options
"That one,"he pointed at an option at the far end of the shop - a black oversized cropped hoodie with the short tights,"yes that one"
"It's not even her style Hardin- i told you, Keisha is the dress type of girl." Sydney shook her head,"it could pass as an option for me but NOT her."
"I kn-.....i mean the red dress suits her perfectly, but that-" he pointed at the clothed mannequin" that isn't for her. It's for you actually."Sydney blinked at him for a minute before taking,
"Have you seen the price tag of that outfit! I only brought enough for the dress . I can't afford that," she pouted.
"I-if you want it then umm - i could buy it for you," Hardin suggested.
"Really?" Hardin nodded in response ," you really don't have to Hardin. I don't wanna bother you or anything,"
"No it's no problem," he insisted,"that's what friends are for,"
"Friends?" Sydney flashed him a dimpled smile "that's what friends are for"
They sat side by side and comfortable silence is Hardin drove both of them to Sydney's apartment. After they picked out a gift for Keisha he had insisted on taking both of them out for ice cream when she discovered that they both share the same favorite flavor. Sydney discovered that Hardin wasn't as bad as she initially thought. Although it did bother her how he always seemed to hold some of his words but nevertheless it was really good comfort to distract from wondering to thoughts of Luca.
"The silence is so boring,"Hardin stated blankly as he searched for a song on his phone that was connected to the car radio,"I don't really know if we have the same tasting music but here goes..."he shrugged and press play.
"Oh my God you listen to Black bear?!"Sydney explained like an infant as soon as she recognized the song.
"Yeah" he nodded keeping his eyes on the road.
"I love black bear. Especially this song!"Sydney stated matter -of- factly.
"Oh really?"
She nodded her head
,"would you mind singing for me ?i never actually heard you sing "
"Please we just hung out for one afternoon and you're now proclaiming to be my long lost lover like you've known me for eternity,"she joked
|Maybe i have| Hardin stated in his mind ,"time doesn't matter" he spoke out instead.
"I'm not that good so brace yourself,"she teased
"I'm sure you're pretty good at singing,"|just like everything else|
Sydney dramatically cleared her throat and began to sing,
"♪I'm not alone. It's just me and your ghost and this crippling depression I thought I learned my lesson - I don't know this part!" She na-na-ed through some of the parts whilst Hardin supportively bopped his head and hummed to the tune,"♪but I threw out my phone and I burned all your clothes and now I'm not alone it's just me and your ghost ...me and you ghost"
Hardin's p.o.v
"Do you want me to pick you up later or..?"i suggested as Sydney climbed out of the passenger seat of my car.
"No thanks I'm good. I've already made you drive all the way to Keisha's party, I think you've done enough chauffeuring for today," she joked
"Hey it was my choice to drive you here anyways", I shrugged," anyways enjoy your night"
"Thanks I will. Thanks again for helping me out today," she thanked me," I really like the mall", she continued.
"Same here" |and just hanging out with you|," pass my greetings to Rose"
"I will" she waved at me and she walked into the club. I relax myself into the seat and I love myself to breathe. Everything I had imagine about hanging out with her was made a reality - even better than I had initially thought . of course I knew she was an interesting character just from my observations of her with Luca but it was different this time around because I was the one in Luca's place - well not exactly - but it was just me and her. I know that I'm not supposed to be selfish. I know that I'm supposed to be worried and anxious about where Luca is and why he took off unannounced like that - yes of course I am, he's one of my closest friends. But is it wrong to love? Even when the person isn't yours in the first place? Yes we're not together now and that doesn't mean Sydney doesn't feel heartbroken. That doesn't mean she doesn't love him. It's always been Luca . He was the one with the charm, the charisma, the pull that drove her to him - whilst I observed, that's all I can ever do, watch. He went ahead and stole her heart whilst I never got the chance to even try.
10 years ago
Hardin sat alone by the cold bench beside the doors at read Mrs William. It was his third appointment at the therapist today at 3rd attempt in fixing his young broken soul and conscious. - stay calm I'll be back to pick you up in 2 hours. You'll be fine - his "mother" had told him before leaving for work.
He swinged his feet with his brightly colored notepad on his lap sketching away to ease his anxiety. The reception was nearly empty - just him and the two receptionist by the other end of the room and the silence was deadly. That's until a boy his age angrily marched into the reception, his chest heaving up and down, his tears stained cheeks red just like his bloodshot eyes. An even angrier woman trailed behind him his mother --hardin presumed.
"I don't want to be here. I'm not a psycho!"the boy exclaimed angrily as a planted himself on the bench next to Hardin.
"It's not your choice to be here! What I say goes!"woman stated frustratedly as she pinched the bridge of her nose," just stay put your mother will pick you up once your appointment is over, I'm warning you don't move"
The woman stormed to the reception counter where the two of the receptionists had been standing and watching the boy lash out at his "mother"
"Just tell the therapist to drug him or something," the woman spoke coldly "anything to keep him calm I'm losing my patience with this kid .knock him out if possible." She marched out of the building before the two ladies could respond.
The angry boy crossed his arms over his heaving chest and his eyes wandered across the room until his gaze met Hardin's.
"What are you looking at!?"
"Are you saying everyone who comes here is a psycho?" Hardin and squinted his eyes
"But that's what my dad says I am" he shrugged.
"Ouch - that must hurt," Hardin pitted him
"You have no idea.. the doctor also gave you that right?" The boy pointed at the notepad- Hardin nodded "they tried that on me. Didn't turn out great" he stated.
"Oh okay.... my name is hardin by the way"he introduced himself.
"Dayn" he gave a smile, "well Hardin , what do you see we head out to the park for ice cream?"
"But we're supposed to stay put-"
"Come on! We have a lot of time before our appointments anyway" he coaxed Hardin

"I'll be back in a few minutes" dayn gestured with his hands "just stay by the bench"
"Just hurry I don't want my aunt to call the police on us," he yelled as Dayn scurried off to the ice cream cart, leaving him to settle by the bench. He dug through his backpack till he found he's not bad and began to doodle random flowers he saw around him. He was so focused on his drawing that he didn't see another figure beside him
"Hie,"a girl - around 3 years younger greeted as she peeped over his shoulder", what are you doing?"
"You scared me!" He clutched his chest - he hadn't heard her come close
"Oh I'm sorry", she apologized and scooted a little further away from him," I didn't mean to."
"No no it's okay", Hardin stuttered he always got nervous whenever he was around girls. More like terrified
"What are you doing?" The girl repeated her question.
".. drawing, " he answered quietly
"Oh. Can I see?" She pleaded as she moved closer to him, "please".
Hardin didn't say a word and simply handed her the notepad.
"Oh wow - it's really pretty," she gaped in awe as she flipped through the pages, "you're really good-" she was cut off when a voice called
"Sydney!" A woman - most likely your mother chanted, let's "go!."
"This is really fun. I really like your drawings. I've got to go... Bye," she talked to speedily and she jumped from the bench and beelined to the source of the voice. Sydney the name echoed in Hardin's mind - The name of the only girl he hadn't felt uncomfortable with in a long time.
End of flashback

Hardin's p.o.v

The moment I saw her with Luca for the first time I knew it was the girl I had mentally obsessed over a decade ago - I couldn't not recognize the curls and freckles in a thousand years, it was her. Call it insane or creepy I couldn't care less because I found her - Sydney. The only problem unfortunately, was that she wasn't with me, but with my best friend. I respected that really, but it hurts to see my "childhood crush" right in front of my eyes - right in my best friend's arms. I know I shouldn't have been feeding my selfish heart by hanging out with her right after Luca vanished by my heart overpowered all my common sense and logic - now here I am - daydreaming about my best friend's girlfriend, well sort of girlfriend.

[A\N - don't forget to leave a vote♥]

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