28. Undecided

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Leone didn't bother knocking as he simply flung the door, walking into Hardin's apartment.  The hallway was dark but it got brighter as he progressed with his steps.
Where is he?
He casually walked into the living room and saw Hardin sprawled on his couch , his eyebrows pinched in concentration as he scrolled on his phone -he hadn't recognized Leone's presence.
Leone quietly made his way behind the couch and leaned closer to have a look at the other's phone.
"You have got to be kidding me" Leone rolled his eyes upon seeing his friend stalk Sydney's socials.
Hardin , who wasn't aware of Leone's presence ,jolted upwards , dropping his phone on his lap,"what the hell Leone!" He clutched his chest,"you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack ..shit . When did you even come here"
"I've been standing here for the past 60 seconds,"he deadpanned crossing his arms over his chest,"meanwhile you are stalking her socials now?"
"No I wasn't "Hardin denied, ruffling his fluffy hair
"The fuck you were" Leone stated , fixing his hair.
"What are you even doing her so late?" Hardin sat up straight , giving space to the older .
Leone lazily flopped on the spot beside Hardin,"uh.. let's see. You told me to come here"
"Yeah i told you that hours ago" Hardin scowled as he checked his phone for time.
"I was busy,"Leone shrugged.
"Yeah with my girlfriend,"he hissed
"I'm sorry ,"Leone scoffed , "aren't you the person who left her crying in my arms the other day after you broke up with her"
"That's not the point,"Hardin glared,"are you dating her , honestly?"he asked bluntly.
Although his tone seemed careless and cold , Leone was aware of how his friend was holding up .not so well
"Wow aren't you so straight forward,"Leone sighed,"I wish I was "
"Excuse you?" Hardin glared at him with a pained expression .

"Isn't she your 'girlfriend'?" Leone air quoted then dropped his hands to his sides. He was losing his patience .
He was really testing Hardin's patience,"no I'm not" he denied truthfully.
"Then why are you always around her ?" He cocked a brow.
Leone shook his head in disbelief,"and you're stalking her in real life too,"he clapped with sarcasm,"you sure do seem to care for someone you said you didn't love...wow."he scoffed,"I'm always around because I'm trying to gather the heart you  broke. That's what friends are for"
"Then what,"Hardin scoffed in disbelief,"you're using her like you did with Jennie"he assumed
Leone looked extremely pissed and offended when he shot back,"I would never do that to Sydney....the thought of that alone would make me feel like a monster"he let the words slip out of his mouth without any thought.
Eerie silence fell upon them as Hardin tensed , his eyebrows raised along with his irritation as an assumption dawned upon him. His breath hitched .
Hardin tilted his head as he stared at his friend under the dim lighting of the television,"you like her," he stated more that he asked
"No,"Leone lied , avoiding his gaze .
Hardin pinched the bridge of his nose as he threw his head back, irritation getting the best of him,"I've known you long enough to know when you are lying to me . Shit what did she use on us - witchcraft? You like her, don't you?"
Leone remained silent , his jaw clenched as he refused to respond.
"That explains why you're always there, why you've been avoiding me lately. You fucking like her" he didn't know exactly how to feel as he was fuming with anger yet felt dismal betrayal.
"Yeah and so,"Leone shrugged , keeping his gaze straight ahead
"Yeah and so! ,"Hardin exclaimed in frustration,"you know how I feel and you say that," his voice was laced in anger and hurt.
"Yeah and so,"Leone repeated looking at the younger,"I know how you feel. Yet if you love someone you wouldn't hurt them ."
"What do you know about love . You're just as fucked up as I am" he muttered through gritted teeth.
"I'll have you know that in this fortnight I spent with her , this fortnight that I spent wiping the tears you caused, that I actually do care. I might be as fucked up as the rest of us but I at least know I would never want her to shed a single tear because of me . That's what love is,"Leone stated coldly,"but I wouldn't try anything on her. She knows I like her" he watched Hardin's eyes widen,"and my love isn't reciprocated , she told me that . She's my friend and I pushed my short lived feelings for that friendship so that I could be there for her because that's honestly better than not having her at all. And you're my friend too Hardin for such a long time . Do you honestly think I don't consider how you feel for her as well? "
"I...I didn't know she doesn't feel the same,"Hardin said in a low tone,"i thought she ran into your arms because you're the safer option. You're always the safer option "
"And no I haven't been avoiding you . I just feel torn between two friends Hardin.,"he explained
But that wasn't the only reason
"She's hurting like hell so screw me for wanting to be there for her  . Is that such a problem?"
"No it isn't "Hardin spoke softly,"but I'm hurting too"
"Funny for you to say . You're the one who broke her heart."
Hardin was rather taken aback by the older s cold tone
"Why'd you do it?" Leone asked
"Do what?" Hardin stuttered .
"Don't play dumb with me . Why'd you break up with her . Why did you humiliate her like that?"
"I didn't want to ,"Hardin said in almost a whisper , his pleading gaze meeting Leone's confused one.
"You didn't want to . Then why?" Leone repeated
"I was cornered ..i-i had no control over what I said . I meant none of it "his voice cracked.
Leone's cold hard expression softened when he looked at Hardin.
"I felt trapped in that moment " Hardin explained,"I don't know what came over me honestly"
"I know,"Leone exhaled loudly,"she did this to you"
Hardin avoided his gaze looking at his palms . He didn't like where this was going .
"You let her do this to you," Leone threw his head back and sighed loudly,"oh fuck grow up Hardin . I know how you are when you feel trapped ...now look what you've done . You ruined a perfectly good relationship because you can't tame your demons can you!"
Hardin flinched at the other's angry voice.
"How many times do I have to tell you this ... you let her do this to you . You can't sleep at night .. you can barely breath properly , your outbursts, your tortured child hood memories, all because you can't hate her . She did this to you" Leone said ,"don't you see how she messed you up ... And you can't hate her simply because she's your mother "
"Leone let's not go there,"Hardin spoke as his body tensed
"Why not? You can't keep loving someone who tortures you this much even from beyond the grave . What is wrong with you? It's not wrong for you to hate her when all she ever caused you was pain . And look where that pain has led you.."
He was pushing all the wrong buttons with this sensitive topic.
"Well not all of us grew up with mothers who loved us"Hardin shot back but immediately regretted it once he saw the pained expression on Leone's face,"wait ..I didn't mean it like that"

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