ꪀⅈꪀꫀ - [PART 2]

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THE tap on the balcony door get our attention as we looked back and saw mom calling us for breakfast.

"Let's eat breakfast. I'm starving." He rubbed his tummy and pulled me inside.

We sit side by side as mom sits in front of me. The smell is soo delicious and my stomach growled.

"Thank you for the food." We all dig in.

"So, Taehyung. Why don't you stay here? You don't have to worry about the food." Mom said as Eoreushin smiled at her.

"Don't worry mom. I'm staying with my friend. I'll come here from time to time from now on." He politely rejected her offer.

"Yes, mom. Eoreushin staying with my other professor. They both were actually friends for over 20 years." I giggled as Eoreushin glared at me.

"So, he's your childhood friend?"

"Yes, mom."

"Y/N is such a cold person. She never tells me anything about university. She didn't even tell me that you are her professor till you come home with her unconscious body." She glared at me.

"Mom, please. It's already over then why are you bringing it up?" I glared back at her.

"Ok, ladies. Let's eat it's almost time for university." Eoreushin nervously laughed holding up his chopsticks.

I roll my eyes and then continue eating as my mom cursed me one last time and eat.

"So, is she studying well or not?" She asked her son-in-law.

"Yes, She's a bright student. I love the way she handles things and is multitasking too."

"Fine. We should go now." I blushed nervously getting up. I walked back to my room and check myself in the mirror. Applying lip balm once again I opened the door but stopped midway.

I walked back to the cabinet by my bed and opened the drawer taking out the light pink box. As I opened it the Gold ring shined in the sunlight. Smiling to myself I put the ring on my finger.

I know now. He loves me not just as a wife or a responsibility but as a woman.

"Be careful, bye." My mom waved her hand as we both walked to the elevator.

Goosebumps tickled my skin when Eoreushin's big hand held my left hand. I smiled to myself as I tighten my grip on him & blushed. We both walked to Eoreushin's car. He opened the door for me as we head to University together.

"Wife!" He called me a few minutes later.


"Our wedding anniversary is in two weeks. Do you want something?" He smiled glancing at me.

"I don't particularly want anything. But I'll think about it if I wanted something." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on, wife. It's our 1st anniversary. Just name it."

"Ok, If I want something I'll let you know. And do you want anything?" I looked at him and smiled widely.

"Hmm. I want something but I'll let you know after your graduation."

"Oh! Come on. It's an anniversary gift. Tell me!" I pleaded.

It's me who always takes while he gives. After our marriage, he brought me clothes & shoes. He buys the things I look at with a smile. I stopped buying things for myself as he give me everything I needed. For once I wanted to give him something.

"No." He blunted. I bite my inner cheek looking away from him.

"I'm planning on taking everyone to a fancy restaurant tho." I looked back at him.

"For our anniversary? We could just have something at home." He shook his head.

"Told you, this is our first anniversary. I wanted to make it special for you, me & everyone. It's why I'm asking you for suggestions on where to go?!"

"I don't know." I crossed my arms, "maybe a rooftop service restaurant. I don't like four wall rooms, it suffocates me."

"Noted." He beamed.

By now we had both reached the University. Eoreushin parked the car and we both get down.

"Y/N, meet me at my office at your self-study class. I had to make things clear." I didn't understand his words regardless I nod at him & walked inside my classroom.

After my two classes, we get some free time and I remember Eoreushin's words. I hang the bag over my shoulders and walked to Eoreushin's office. When I stepped inside closing the door behind me, he walked towards me while doing his suit buttons.

"Come here. It's not about the University thing. Give me your bag." He took my bag and put it on the floor beside the couch.

He unbuttoned my overcoat and removed it. My heart beated fast as he caged me in his arms. He took a look at me and put the coat aside.

"Remove the pony." He pulled my hair band setting my hair free. He fixed my hair and nodded to himself.

"The black-designed sneakers go well with your dress. One more thing, show me your lips." He pulled out a lipstick from his pocket and opened the cap then cupped my cheeks applying the lipstick.

"I buy it a few minutes back. It was delivered to the university. Don't think I get it from some other woman." I giggled at his words.

"Don't. let me apply it properly." I stayed still and try to memorize his facial details.

"Perfect." He grumbled to himself and made me sit on the single couch.

"But Eoreushin, what happened? Why are you doing this all." He smiled to himself.

"Shh! Just wait, wife." He kissed the top of my head. Eoreushin usually doesn't call me 'wife' at university. Is something wrong?

Someone knocked on the door and I looked at Eoreushin.


"It's ok. Sit still, wife." He walked to the door and opened it making me more confused.

Ms.Shin! What is she doing here?

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" She asked eyeing me.

Bruh! That's what am thinking about.


𝚂𝙿𝙻𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝙾𝚄𝙻 • 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒇Where stories live. Discover now