
Beginne am Anfang

We arrive and George is sleeping

I shake him a bit "Geooorggee" I calmly say

He groans, gosh how i missed waking him up even though i hated it before

I have no other choice but to carry him in

So i do that, i hold him in a bridal way as he snuggles into my chest

I missed this feeling so much

I carry him upstairs of the house and lay him down on our bed

I already moved everything while George was in the hospital

I try to let go off him but he doesn't let me

"Stay" he whispers

I lay down next to him and we both fall asleep in each other's arms

I suddenly hear a loud thud and immediately wake up

"Ow" i hear someone whisper

I don't see George on the bed "George?" I yell

"Yeah?" He says

I look down and see him lying on the floor

"Oh my god" i sigh and stand up to help him

"You know you can ask help from me?" I say, pick him up and gently place on the bed

"Yeah thanks"

Everything around me stops, I can't believe my ears

"Sorry?" I ask to make sure i heard that right

"I said yeah thanks" George says sitting on the bed

What? He did not just say that-

But- how? He said it so casually

Im still standing in shock

"Hello?" He says giggling

"Can you repeat what you said?"

"Thanks?" He says confused

"Oh George" i sigh with a smile and hug him tightly

He still doesn't know what's going on

This is such an important moment for me

I help him stand up and pass the walker

I think he lost a little of memory

We slowly go downstairs while I'm still processing what he said

"Ohh I remember this place.." he says looking around

"Really? Whose house is this?" I ask raising my eyebrow

"Uhmmm..i don't know" he says looking at me

"Its ours" i say with a smile

Cold hands, warm hearts            ❄️dnf❄️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt