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Dreams pov:

So I've been living at Georges for almost 3 weeks, thankfully I haven't had any issues yet

I had a photoshoots for Louis Vuitton last week and got a nice pay check

So i got George new skates and some designer clothes cause apparently he doesn't have any

George is back on ice, his coach is back and he is practicing his performance for the competition in 2 months

I haven't seen or heard anything from my family yet

I got to meet Georges friends Karl, Will, Alex and Tina

Tina is also a professional figure skater and is also gonna compete in the competition in 2 months

Karl works in a bookstore near the street where Georges apartment is

Will and Alex both are in university's

I just dropped George off at the ice rink and now am driving to another photoshoot

Im modeling for Hugo Boss now, my manager is really happy that I'm modeling again and is really kind to me

So my life is actually pretty good and now I'm genuinely happy

My only worry is George now, he struggles with double axels and has to do a triple axel triple toe in his performance

He gets really frustrated and even thinks of quitting figure skating

Thank go so far he didn't injure himself

He got much stronger emotionally and physically

Georges pov:

"Yeah me too, it's literally impossible" Tina says as Im tying my skates

She finally came back on ice, she wasn't skating for 1 months cause she fractured her leg

We are talking on how the triple axels is important but impossible

"Alright good luck George" she cheerfully says

"Thank you, good luck to you too!" I say and go on the rink

"LAND THAT AXEL, I BELIEVE IN YOU" she yells out of support

Im so thankful for her, she is my best friend, she was the first one i told that I'm gay and she was the first one to meet Dream

We've been friends since we were like 5, when we just started figuring skating


347 words

Sorry for the small chapter

Thank you GE0RGES_LEFTear for the comments! Read every single one of your comments i loved them sm❤️❤️

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