
755 18 14

Dreams pov:

I finally arrive and run through the doors into the hospital

I look around and see a random nurse

"Hey uhm where is the emergency department?" I ask out of breath

"Oh uh that way" she hurriedly answers pointing at one door

"Thanks" i say and run

I'm sure George is gonna be fine but my heart is still racing

I see George lying on the bed unconscious

I come near him but a nurse stops me

"Hey who are you" he asks

"I-im..." i stutter

Wait who am i? A boyfriend? But we've never really talked about that

"Sir? Are you alright?" He asks bringing me back from my thoughts

"No yeah sorry, I'm-I'm his boyfriend..." i say looking him straight in the eyes

"I sincerely apologize" he says and lets me go

Phew that got me stressing fr

"Hey uhm do you know if he's going to be okay?" I ask the same nurse

"Yeah I'm sure he'll me fine" he says

"Is everything okay with him right now?" I ask

"Well he only has bruises so he shouldn't be in a lot of pain"

I sigh out of relief "Do you know when he'll be up?" I ask trying to calm my breath

"Ohhh...I'm not sure, he hit his head pretty badly, I'm sorry" he replies

I gasp and immediately sit on the chair next to his bed

Th nurse leaves and now its only us

There is chaos behind the curtains but right now all that matters is George

I hold his hand with both of mine and squeeze it a bit

"Please please please be okay" I whisper with closed eyes

I open my eyes and still see the unconscious George peacefully laying

I sit for there the whole day and night holding Georges hand

His skin is even paler and his hands are skinnier

Its like he's shrinking

I look at the clock '3:56am'

I close my eyes for a second and look at the clock again '8:04am'

My eyes widen and i stand up

Did i just fall asleep?

How did that happen i closed my eyes for one second

I stretch my back cause i was sleeping sitting

After that i sit on the chair again and talk to George

*three days later*

Im still sitting on this chair, I haven't showered, haven't eaten, haven't slept for 2 days and George is still unconscious

Doctors have been coming through the days and still have no answers to my questions

My phone died a day ago so now all i do is talk to George

Many nurses told me to just go rest at home but i just can't leave George

I missed one of my photoshoots but honestly that doesn't matter

I already cried, laughed and talked to George

Some nurses are concerned about me

Georges friend Karl came to visit yesterday and stayed almost 9 hours with us

George is like the sleeping beauty, peacefully sleeping as if waiting for someone to save him

But sadly only he can save himself

"Hey i think you should go home..." a nurse says with pity and puts her hand on my shoulder while I'm sitting on the chair

"No, i should stay" i blankly respond

"I promise the hospital will call you if he wakes up" she says

"Im not going anywhere" i say still holding Georges hand

She sighs and leaves

*two days later*

I don't know what I'm gonna do

Im obviously not loosing hope in George but everyone keeps on telling me to just go home

All the nurses feel bad for me so they give me food like for a patient

Ive never felt so empty in my life

Like the only light i had just disappeared

Georges other friends came to visit today

The only person i talk to is George

I sometimes can't believe all this

I knew George made me happy and i loved him with my entire heart but i didn't know i would ever feel this way

Yesterday George was moved into his own room...

That can only mean one thing...that he's staying for long....

I used to just stay with George all these days but today i took a walk

I breathed in cold fresh air and my mind instantly cleared up

I looked up and saw all the shining stars

But one caught my eye

It was a big bright blue star

It shined so bright and the light never faded

It was just shining without knowing that someone is staring at it

It was shining for itself and no one else

At the time i was listening to one of Georges beautiful playlists

'I love you' by Billie Eilish was playing

Obviously it brought tears to my eyes

The bright star somehow reminded me of George

It might sound stupid but i felt a wave of hope after looking at that star

As if the star told me "everything is going to be okay"

And my believe of George listening to me all these days just confirmed

I will always remember that night

The 12th of December 2022 a star talked to me and I'm sure it wasn't just a star

I have no idea how far that star is or if there any planets orbiting around it

But i just know its an important one

And i know it made a lot of impact


912 words

Uhm yeahhh sorry if its not the story you wanted

I hope George will be up by the time this book finishes

Thanks to everyone for 6,24k reads reads!!! 💓

Love you all, I'm already thinking of a great ending but i might change it and make it much sadder

Anyway hope ill update soon

Cold hands, warm hearts            ❄️dnf❄️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora