Chapter 9

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As the Uchiha walked out of his apartment, the sun already hid itself under the horizon. Only a couple of people walked down the streets, some with destinations and some without. As he walked, he couldn't help but try and take his time. He didn't want to be around the blond right now. Not after his brief conversation with Kakashi. So he stuffed his clenched fist into his pocket, moving slower than before.

He kicked pebble, sending it flying ahead of him allowing him to catch up to it and kick it again. He accidentally kicked into a nearby ally causing him to grunt in frustration. Before he could move any farther down the empty road, he heard a silent meow coming from behind him. He turned, now facing a black cat. He just stopped in his place and stared at it as the cat stared back. He grew angry at the feline but didn't know why.


the bluntness of his voice echoed in the emptiness of the night. The cat responded with a small meow before he took off into the distance. The Uchiha stared at the feline before he lost it in the vast darkness. He scrunched his noise up in annoyance before moving forward once more.

"Your so troublesome!" The blond yelled as he stood in the grand entrance doors of Konaha. His  shoulders back and his chest out, attempting to  look older but completely failing.

"Me? Troublesome?! Never." The young boy just shrugged making his father completely lose his patience.

"Talk to me when your older kid!" Naruto felt like he'd won the argument with that last line, so he turned around not expecting an answer.

"Talk to me when you become a jonin." Menma said as he turned away from his father. The silence told him that he won the argument. The blond didn't say anything, all Menma could hear was huff of frustration before the wind took it. The only sounds heard after that were the calm noise of rustling leaves.

Sure Menma was glad that he time travelled to his younger father, but he really missed home. He'd have arguments with Naruto like they were siblings and could tell he got annoyed easily by it. He'd liked to feel loved by his father, not feel like a nuisance, a pest he can't get rid of. He sighed before looking back into the village.

He saw a Sasuke calmly walking towards them, making him relived. He at least had a father who was still sane. He put his hand up and waved at the Uchiha who waved back, not as passionately.
Once he was finally with them, he felt the awkwardness between the two making him sigh.

"What's up with you two?" He bluntly stated, not really caring but knew it would be a problem.

"He's being annoying." Naruto said, still not facing them. His arms were crossed in frustration. Menma felt like someone punched him in the heart. He just wanted the arguing to be over. He looked away with a pained look on his face catching Sasukes attention.

The Uchiha swung his fist, colliding with the blonds arm. Pain shot through it making him turn around in anger.

"What the hell Sasuke!" The blond said while rubbing the spot he punched. Sasuke sighed before looking at Menma who was watching them. The Uchiha didn't know what to do in this situation. Naruto was obviously being childish and not thinking about Menmas feelings. Its like he forgets that the boy is his son. He just decided to move on from situation and swiftly turn around, walking out of the village.

"Let's go." He said making the two follow. It was a little chilly but they all had proper clothing, surprisingly. Naruto never looks at the weather
when he leaves the house, says it's to much trouble. And Menma was wearing one of Naruto's old coats he found himself.

They all walked in silence listening to the cold wind blow through the trees making the leaves move. It was calming, Sasuke didn't mind it at all.

"Why'd we leave so late again?" Menma questioned as he walked behind his fathers. Naruto just shrugged but took this opportunity to break the silence that the others enjoyed.

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