Chapter 2

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Naruto awoke to the sound of his alarm. He sat on his bed looking down at the floor still trying to process that it was the morning. A big yawn escaped his lips as he moved is legs to the side of the bed. He slipped his bunny slippers on and made his way over to the other side of his little apartment dragging his feet. He opened the fridge causing him to gag in disgust.

"Oh that's disgusting." He said as he pulled out the spoiled milk and everything that it spilt on. He threw everything in trash then made his way over to the sink to wash of his hands. He held his stomach knowing there was nothing else to eat. He sighed then went to get ready for training and breakfast.

Walking down the streets of Konoha, he searched for a place to eat before his training. He continued walking until he saw Sai, Sakura, and Sasuke walking in front of him. "Hey guys!" He said as he jogged up to them. Once catching up to them he wrapped his arm around Sai.

"Hey Naruto." Sakura said with a smile on her face

"Get off me Naruto." Sai said as he pushed of Narutos arm.

"Nice to see you to Sai." Sakura laughed a little due to what the blond said. Naruto then looked over Sasuke who didn't even acknowledge him. He then frowned.

"What's his problem." Naruto looked over to Sasuke who's head was still looking at the ground in front of him.

"Pftttt who knows?" Sakura raised her hands as she looked over to Sasuke as well. "He's been like this every since we saw him."

"It's just Sasuke being Sasuke." Sai said which caused Sasuke to look over at them then roll his eyes at the only other raven haired boy.

"Anyway, we were just heading to breakfast do you wanna join us." Sakura said causing the blond to gladly accept and smile.

"I was just heading to breakfast actually. I don't have anything at the house." Naruto put a hand on the back of his head rubbing it a bit in embarrassment.

"Of course you don't dobe." Sasuke said as he looked over to the blond who was already looking at him.

"Woowwww, the Uchiha speaks." Sai said sarcastically causing Sasuke to scoff and look back at the ground.

"Anyways.... I was kind of craving chi chi's," Sakura said hoping the rest would agree.

"I'm fine with that!" Naruto said as he put his arms behind his head. Sai just nodded with a light smile. Sakura looked at Sasuke who was still looking ahead of them.

"Are going to join us Sasuke." Sakura said hoping Sasuke would agree. Naruto just stared at Sasuke with a saddened expression, he hated when Sasuke acted like this.

"You should come Sasuke!" Naruto said quickly changing his frown to a smile. Sasuke looked at Naruto then turned his head back once they made eye contact.

"Ok I'll go." Sakura smiled and started telling them directions. Naruto smiled at the thought of food.

They turned into a back alley that would get them to the cafe faster. All of the sudden a dark black portal appeared just above the blond boy. Everyone's eyes widened with shock as they all looked up at it.

"What tha-" Naruto looked up at the black swirl in curiosity. They all got blown back by the wind the portal caused except Naruto who was still standing under the black portal. The dust of the alley swirled around Naruto to where they couldn't see him anymore.

"NARUTO!" He could hear Sasuke yelling from behind him but it slowly got replaced with an unfamiliar scream.

"AHHHHHHHH!" a loud scream came from the portal but kept getting louder and louder till something flew out of the portal landing right on top of Naruto. As soon as the dust settled back down to the ground Sai, Sakura, and Sasuke ran to where the scream ended. They then saw a little boy about 10, lying on top Naruto slapping the blond boys face to see if he was still awake.

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