Chapter 8

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The afternoon sun was high in the sky. The village was going through a normal day with the exception of Naruto and Sasuke. They're walking behind Menma, not saying a word to each other. Just a couple of minutes ago, they were told Naruto was being targeted by one of the most deadliest clans. They weren't feelings as scared anymore due to mini Naruto, but they felt disappointed.

After the war was over, Sasuke and Naruto laid on a rock, half dead, bleeding out with their arms missing. On the verge of death, Naruto and Sasuke hoped they'd never have to fight like that again, never. Naruto thought he'd finally brought peace to the shinobi world, that he'd finally fulfilled Jiraiyas dream. So it angers him to know that they have a greater threat to face.

As they walked, the wind started to pick up causing trees to sway, and shop owners pull in their outdoor decor. The three boys still continued their walk. Naruto just continued to think of the failed promise he kept to himself, a promise he made for Jiraiya. He clenched his fist as he strongly stared forward. Sasuke could tell something was upsetting the blond, he didn't know what to say, he only knew what to do.

Sasuke flicked the side of Naruto's head making the the blond snap his head towards the Uchiha.

"What the hell teme!" Naruto said as he rubbed the spot Sasuke flicked in order to ease the pain.

"stop glaring at the ground like it did something to you." Sasuke said annoyed but relived Naruto still had some sense left in him. Naruto just huffed as he faced forward once more.

"what if it did do something to me." The blond mumbled. Sasuke wanted to punch Naruto because of how stupid that comeback was but he held himself back.

"Now you just sound dumb." Sasuke said, obviously intrigued by their conversation.

"Im not dumb teme!" Naruto screamed louder than he should've making Menma turn around annoyed.

"could you stop yelling, unlike you, some people are still trying to have a nice day." Menma scoffed before turning back around to continue walking. Sasuke just covered his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh. Naruto didn't know what to say, all he could think was if his older self had to deal with this attitude every day. The blond saw Sasukes expression, making him more angry than he should've been.

"Don't you dare laugh." Naruto said before he started following Menma. Sasuke calmed himself down before making his way right next to Naruto. The Silence that once surrounded them, got replaced with a new silence, a silence they could live with. Who knew Menma arguing with Naruto, erased the thought of the deadly Otsutsuki turning their lives into a living hell.

The sound of Naruto hungry stomach filled Sasuke ears making him turn his head. He saw Naruto , embarrassed, holding his empty stomach.

"Are you still hungry?" Sasuke asked, wondering how much money Naruto wastes on food, due to his lack of cooking skills.

"What do you mean still. I didn't get to eat the breakfast you made for me this morning." Naruto almost looked disappointed. He got the opportunity to eat free, homemade food, but let his ego win and left without finishing his meal. Sasuke just rolled his eyes before facing forward again.

"Then lets get something before we leave tonight. I'll pay." The suggestion that Sasuke proposed made Narutos face light up. Free food again, he started thinking that hanging around Sasuke might not be so bad if he's getting free food 24/7. Sasuke called out to Menma, who was a couple steps ahead of them.

Unlike last time, finding somewhere to eat wasn't as hard because they all just agreed to go to Ichiraku ramen due to Naruto begging. He said, "I need to have it be my last meal before go I away." Sasuke and Menma just didn't want to argue, so they agreed.

the past ❤︎︎NARUSASU❤︎︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora