Chapter 3

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Naruto and Sasuke walked to the Hokages office with the little boy infornt of them. They occasionally shared looks at each other, then back at the boy happily skipping in front of them. Sasuke then broke the awkward silence.

"Who do you think the mother is." Sasuke really wanted to know, he didn't know why he was so curios. Naruto eyes widened as he heard Sasuke say those words.

"No idea, why do you ask?" He was looking down at the ground at this point, trying not to make the situation more awkward than it already was.

"Just wanted to know who would marry a idiot like you."

"Oh shut up." Naruto looked at Sasuke who was smiling .

Was Sasuke smiling, he never smiles.

they continued their walk in silence just in each other's presence as well as the little boy in front of them.

Once they got to the Hokages office, Naruto barged in causing the door to slam open. Tsunade was awoken by the sound and looked at the blond in anger.

"Naruto what did I tell you about barging into my office!"

"But it's really important!" Naruto pleaded making Tsunade turn her gaze to what was behind Naruto. She saw a little boy standing in front of Sasuke and behind Naruto. She then put the puzzle pieces together and her face had a shocked expression on it. She then stood up and slammed her hands on the desk.


"what are you talking about?" Naruto said dumbfounded. She then grew embarrassed at the accusation she made. She sat back down in her chair, intertwining her fingers together, putting her elbows on the desk, and resting her head upon her hands.

"What is it Naruto." Naruto then looked behind him as a little boy walked in front of him. He had spiky black hair like Sasukes, Blue eyes and whiskered cheeks just like Narutos. She furrowed her eyebrows even more in confusion.

"This is my son......from the future." She froze as her mouth dropped.


"I just told you." Naruto said sighing and looking at Sasuke.

"Who's the mom?"

"I don't know? he won't tell me." She then looked at little boy just standing between their argument. She then sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"Whats his name."

"Menma." The little boy said as he walked closer to the desk.

"Tell me who your mother is." Tsunade squinted her eyes glaring at him. Menma stared right back at her with a worried expression, but it wasn't cause granny was looking at him with a scary expression. He thought that if he'd say somthing wrong, it would change the future.

"I don't know if I can. What if it changes the future, I don't want my family to change I love them!" Menma says with pleading eyes. He felt guilt run through his body as the last conversation he had with his parents kept replaying in his mind.

Tsunade looked at him with a shocked expression, mad at herself for making the kid feel this way. Naruto stood behind his son just looking at him not knowing how to feel. He's been alone his entire life, he's had no family, but when he heard his son from the future say "I love them" made Naruto finally realize how lonely he was.

Sasuke moved next to Naruto feeling the sadness radiate off of the blond. He wanted to comfort him but held himself back at the silly thought. He just stared at the kid in front of him.

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