Chapter 34

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Hey Babes. Thank you all so so much for the love you have given this book! I figured I would give all the mother's a little Mother's Day gift! Let's get a round of applause for THE LAST CHAPTER!!! Only the Epilogue left and then I will have an announcement coming soon.....


I walk on a big white fluffy thing as a really bright light shines on my face. I don't see anybody here. I'm not supposed to be alone somewhere new, mommy would be mad.

"Hewo?" I holler, hoping to find somebody I know. Maybe Mommy or Daddy? But my real daddy, not my science daddy, he was mean to me today.

"HEWO!" I holler again as I wiggle my toes in the white fluffy thing I'm standing on. It looks like a cloud but I know it can't be. Only birds can fly up near the clouds and I am a Hazel, not a bird.

"Hi there," a man says. I don't know him. He's a stranger and Mommy says to never trust a stranger, especially a lonely white man.

"It's okay, Hazel," an old lady says as she just appears beside the stranger. A woman is safer, Mommy says they are less crazy.

"I don't know you," I say as I start backing away.

"But we know you," the old lady says. As I look at her, I know I have seen her before but I can't remember where.

"How?" I ask with my hands on my hips.

"I'm your great-grandma Miller. I used to watch your Mommy and Uncle B when they were your age," the old lady says.

"You are the lady in the pretty white dress from the picture!" I yell as I recognize her. Mommy has a picture on our mantle of a younger lady in a white dress. She said it was her grandma who died when she was little.

"Yes, I am."

"When did you get old? You were Mommy's age in that picture," I ask but the old lady just laughs.

"Sweety, some of us are just lucky enough to grow old." I think about this for a minute and I guess it makes sense. Mommy has gotten a few wrinkles on her face that Daddy laughs at.

"Who you?" I ask as I look to the man.

"I'm your Aunt Clove's Daddy, but you can call me Sam," he says.

"Why haven't I met you either?" I ask. It would've been really fun to meet my Grandma and Aunt Clove's daddy.

"Well, we've been up here in heaven, but we've been watching," the old lady says.

"Why did you leave?" I ask as I look around. It looks like I'm in the sky, but I can't be. I don't know what is going on.

"We didn't have a choice, Baby. But you do," Grandma Miller says.

"What choice?" I question as I start kicking up the white fluff I'm standing on. It feels like the soap of a bubble bath. It's fun.

"You can choose if you want to go back or stay here with us," Sam says.

"I wanna stay here! It looks fun!" I say as I start running around playing with the white fluff but then I stop in my tracks. "But we need to go get Mommy, and Daddy, and Uncle B, and Aunt Clove, and Aunt Grace..... Uncle Blade can stay though, he broke my drum set."

"See, that's the thing Kiddo, if you stay, you wouldn't see them again for a long time," Sam says as he bends down in front of me like my Daddy does sometimes.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because they still have things to do down on earth, Kiddo. You would stay here with us, and we would have a lot of fun but you wouldn't see them for a long time," Sam says, and tears well in my eyes.

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