Chapter 23

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Brenna's POV

Moms are always on the clock. We never truly get a break because we constantly worry about our baby. We are always waiting for that phone call. The thought of that phone call keeps every mother up at night. It causes a knot to form in our stomach every time our child is not with us and our phone rings. Hazel is only three and I get nightmares about receiving that phone call, I can only imagine how it will feel when she is older.

While my maternal instincts are always turned on, throughout the years I have become more comfortable with leaving Hazel with Brody. The first time I left them alone together she was 3 months old and I went to the gas station because Brody forced me to get out of the house. I cried the whole way there, didn't get out of my car, and raced home. The fear of trusting anyone with her after how she entered the world was crippling, but now it's gotten better. Now, I don't even worry when she is with Brody because I know whatever comes up, he can handle it.

I thought the only person I feel that way about would be Brody, but Kade quickly changed my mind. The first time he watched Hazel alone I thought I would be nervous, but I wasn't. After years of work, I have finally realized that bad things happen, they are unexpected, random and mean, and they will happen if I am there or not. So, as long as she is with someone I trust to adequately handle the bad things, my anxiety is at a minimum.

Minimum, but never zero. I don't think my worries will ever be completely gone.

That's how I explained it to Kade when we were planning our date tonight. Clove and Wolf offered to watch Hazel, and I graciously accepted so both Brody and I could have a night off. I could tell Kade was a little nervous by the number of times he asked me if I was okay with this, but I never had any doubts. Clove is one of the reasons I am alive today, I trust her to keep my child alive for one night.

"Okay, kiddo, you ready?" Kade asks as we walk up to Clove and Wolf's house. This will be the first night Hazel has ever spent the night away from home, so we are a little worried about how she will handle it.

"YES!! Wove said we are baking cookies!" Hazel cheers as she jumps up and down.

Okay, I think she is handling it just fine.

"Remember, you are sleeping here tonight, but I packed your favorite jammies and your blanky," I smile as I try to keep my tone upbeat.

"I know, Mommy, I not a baby no more," she sasses. Oh, how I wish I could turn back the clock. Don't get me wrong, I love how much she is growing and how her personality is finally showing, but I miss my tiny baby.

"If you need anything, Clove or Wolf can call us and we'll be right back," Kade assures. It seems both of us are more nervous than she is.

"She'll be fine guys," Wolf laughs as he and Clove appear on their front porch.

"Yeah, we have cookies to bake, right Hazel?" Clove asks with a smile.

"Mhm!" Hazel nods with excitement.

"Remember, no-" Kade starts but Clove cuts him off.

"If you end that sentence with no dairy or blueberries I will throat punch you," Clove says with annoyance lacing her voice. I was this nervous when I first found out about Hazel's allergies, but now it is just something we live with. Kade will calm down eventually, he is just getting used to the fear. The fear parents feel all the time.

"Well you said cookies," Kade defends as Wolf and I laugh.

"It's peanut butter cookies, just peanut butter, sugar, and an egg," Clove reasons.

"WAIT! Aren't eggs dairy?" Kade panics.

"Eggs are protein not dairy and she can have eggs. Kade, you have fed her eggs for breakfast before," I laugh.

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