Chapter 24

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Brenna's POV

Random occurrences.

Months ago, I told Kade that life runs on random occurrences. One, small, insignificant moment can literally change the course of one's entire life. We never know when these changes are coming, they just appear in moments when the universe thinks we are due some good or bad karma. Maybe these random occurrences are meant to even out the scale of good and bad. Maybe they are simply random.

Looking back, Kade is the definition of a random occurrence. One small act after another brought us together. Random occurrences created the goodness that is our family.

A lot has changed in the few months since Hazel's hospital stay. For starters, we have added peanuts and barley to the ever-growing list of things that will make my child explode. It is extremely difficult to find things she likes and can eat, but we have navigated it as a family.

As a family. Those are words I never thought I would say, but now they fall off my tongue at least once a day. Now, I have an entire family beyond Kade and Brody, I have three sisters and nine brothers. Hazel has a ton of aunts and uncles and a father figure.

Honestly, I have to pinch myself sometimes to believe this is actually my life and not a dream. Six months ago I was a single, struggling mother who relied on my brother for everything and had to street fight for money.  Now, I'm a patched old lady of the Devil's Right Hand Mother Chapter, I have an amazing partner, the entire club supports me, I only fight once a month to keep my sanity, and my brother can finally get on with living his life instead of constantly worrying about mine.

Brody is officially a prospect, which means for the first time in our lives I outrank him and I won't let him forget it. Besides my constant teasing, I believe he truly enjoys being a part of something bigger than himself. He has already started helping Blade with the extractions and court escorts and I believe that is where Blade will place him after he officially patches in. Protection is truly where he shines and for the first time, it only makes me proud, not nervous because I know he has an entire group of people here to pull him back if he ever reaches the edge.

As a rule of any patched member or prospect, Brody has a room at the clubhouse. Even though he isn't required to stay in it, I force him to most nights. I feel guilty for taking the last four years of his life and I refuse to do that anymore, so for the first time in forever, he can just be the fun uncle. And selfishly, I want some nights to be just the three of us: Kade, Hazel, and I. Though he has not officially moved in, Kade spends most nights with us and Hazel loves it. It feels normal. It feels like life is finally letting me win.

My thoughts are interrupted by the shrill screams of kids chasing each other with Lightsabers in the small picnic shelter. Today is Hazel's 4th birthday and her party is in full swing. The entire club is here as well as all of Hazel's friends from daycare and some of my friends from the diner. Surprisingly, even the moms who couldn't bring their kids showed up. If I had to guess, I would say the hot bikers have something to do with the mom crowd. Not that I blame them though, it is a free show.

"Mommy, when can I open my presents?" Hazel asks in a clear voice. One day she just woke up and her lisp was completely gone. Selfishly, I want it back because it made her attitude tolerable. Now that she is sassing me without her baby talk, it is much less cute.

"Soon, go play with your friends some more," I reply. I need time to clean up the mess from feeding twelve four-year-olds before we add wrapping paper to the mix.

"But Mooommmmm," she whines. I swear, sometimes she sounds like a teenager and not a toddler.

"Hazel, you mind your mother, it's not all about the presents," Kade smiles as he walks up behind me.

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